General Strats Imperial Tactical Database

Avioding Uprising - you will always begin the game with a rebel planet occupied by the Imperials, maybe two if you are playing huge galaxy. First thing is to determine the situation.

Defense Available, or no Rebel Threat - if you have ships over the planet or heavy ground forces with good characters at the planet, or their is no nearby Rebel threat, then use this approach:

Remove all but 1 troop regiment from the surface of the planet causing an uprising. Put all characters with a high leadership rating together on a subdue uprising mission (a minimum of two, three recommended), it should take about 10 days with good characters to subdue it, when the planet is subdued and only requires one regiment to keep peace, use a strong diplomat like Vader or Piett to finish turning the planet until its at least at 80% before sending them out to start diping neutral planets. While they are doing this, move back all troops a good number and put a strong general in charge to stop any rebel sabotage attempts. When the planet is in your favor, you may remove all troops and your general if you wish (when the planet requires 0 regiments to keep peace).

No Defense Available, Rebel Threat Nearby - if you have no nearby ships or planetary defenses capable of withstanding a direct orbital attack, then you may want to try this procedure, or if their is not much risk of a rebel threat, and you have good characters available, you may choose to use the option above:

Send all nearby troops to the planet, hopefully you have a gencor1 or a LNR1 gun for planetary defense. Note: Ions are about useless. Assign a good general who is not a good dip. A good general is one with a high combat and espionage rating. Try to get at least six troop regiments on the planet. Use a good dip, or two if you have them, to dip the planet until it is in your favor. If you feel you have enough troops and a good enough general to keep the planet safe, then you may opt to leave it "fortified" for the time being and send your dips out to turn over neutral planets.

Key Goals To Winning - Rebels start the game weak, use this to your advantage. Organize your fleets and forces and assign admirals, generals, and commanders if need be. I recommend an admiral for all fleet engagements or for bombardment purposes. As soon as possible start blockading and making random patrols of nearby rebel core systems. The idea is to keep the rebels out of the core and to drive them out.

Forcing Rebel Units out of Core - sending out a patrol vessel or small fleet to drive out the weak rebel forces stationed in the core is important. Do Not blockade planets and open yourself up to sabotage, mearly orbit then move to the next planet staying no longer than 1 turn, your forces should be strong enough to defeat any rebel force you encounter before day 20 of the game.

Inciting Uprising on Rebel Planets - incite uprising can be an imperial officers best friend. Make sure to sabotage any rebel troops off the planet first, or if you are confident enough, and willing to risk it, bombard the troops. Send at least two high leadership officers working together as agents on a incite uprising mission, with a second officer or pair of commandoes doing a second incite uprising mission on the same planet. Two missions always seem to get better results. Commandos have to great functions, sabbing weakly defended rebel planets and inciting uprising missions. I do not recommend using commandos to sab stuff off rebel planets that you can easily turn neutral or to your side since once you get them you will be able to profit from them. Only use commandos to sab strong rebel sided planets or planets under heavy occupation by rebel forces.

Catching Rebel Diplomats and Other Characters - taking your enenmy's diplomats is the best way to hurt them. Without their diplomats they are left virtually no way of getting core planets. First you must find them. this involves producing a large number of Imperial Espionage Driods, using 2 or 3 as agents on a mission together for fast results, send them out to neutral planets which are in the rebels favor or to rebel planets. Keep some on your planets to esp and watch for Rebel missions occuring on your planets, as you can easily capture characters on your planets as well. A general with troops or good bounty hunter or command characters or a handful of Noghri should do the trick of catching them. Once you locate the rebel characters, send some people to get them. Best way to get them is if they are at a neutral planet is to send a ship with several command figures and bounty characters as well as a few noghri if needed. Usually a strong character with a decoy will be good enough against a rebel diplomat. If the character you are attempting to catch is stronger, send two strong agents with two good decoys, or usually about 3 Noghri as agents and 2 as decoys work too. Noghri function much better placed with a strong character as an agent, and another character as a decoy. Noghri w/ Needa as agents and Screed as decoy would be a good combonation to catch a character like Lando Calrissian who is a highly skilled and strong diplomat. Also catching the Rebels ship researchers (Ackbar, Wedge Antilles, and Adar Tallon) can have a game winning effect in simply putting the technological squeeze on the rebels.

Scraping a Rebel Sector - If the rebels are concentrated (2 or 3 Rebel planets with no more than 1 Imperial planet) in one sector at the beginning of the game, you may choose to lead a direct assault on it. Use your diplomats in sectors other than the one you plan to assault. Do Not start immediately scraping the sector! First go around and clear off defenses on neutral systems in the sector. Hopefully the Rebels will waste time trying to diplomize a sector you are going to scrap. In the process you may come across Rebel forces at neutral planets who are escorting or bringing diplomats to the planets. If you encounter a ship, do a quick espionage mission and try and capture any Rebel Diplomats you locate. After about 50 days, begin your scraping assault, taking raw materials for your own use and destroying Rebel Maintainence points.