As an online SELLER, or BIDDER of CHERUB's Online Auctioning Service,
you agree to the following "terms" and "conditions"; hereafter referred to as "RULES".

As an online SELLER, and or BIDDER of CHERUB's Online Auctioning Service you
understand that CHERUB does not endorse the legitimacy, accuracy, quality
or safety of items listed for auction on this site.


(1) SELLER agrees to prepay a nonrefundable $25 LIST FEE per item to CHERUB via check or money order. (Sorry, no credit cards). Your List Fee enables your auction item to be listed on this site for a maximum of ninety days (90).
After such time you may choose to relist your item(s).

(2) SELLER agrees to notify this service when the listed auction item has been sold to the highest bidder. When notified, this Service will indicate online that the auction item has been sold.

(3) SELLER agrees that he/she will not provide fraudulent or incorrect information about an auction item to be listed on this site, and will adhere to laws governing Internet usage and activity. SELLER agrees that he/she will not sell any illegal items, or copyrighted material on this site.

(4) SELLER must be 18 years of age to use this Auction Service.

(5) SELLER understands there are certain inherent risks with Internet usage, and therefore will not hold CHERUB liable for any situation, damages, or incurred loses as a result of listing an auction item on this site.

(6) SELLER understands that he/she has thirty (30) days in which to sell an item. SELLER may choose to sell item at any BIDDER suggested cost. If after the ninety day period SELLER's item has not been sold, SELLER may elect to List auction item for an additional List Fee of $25 for an additional ninety (90) days .

(7) SELLER understands that this Service reserves the right to decline the posting of any sell item.


(1) BIDDER must be 18 years of age to use this Auction Service.

(2) After selecting an auction item from the Auction Page(s) BIDDER may begin bidding at BIDDING PRICE listed on web site for the specified auctioned item number.

(3) BIDDER agrees to notify SELLER via email (unless otherwise noted) of intent to bid/purchase listed item on the Auction Page(s).

(4) BIDDER agrees to pay SELLER the true cost of the bid item.

(5) BIDDER understands there are certain inherent risks with Internet usage, and therefore will not hold NuBIAN EXCHANGE liable for any situation, damages, or incurred loses as a result of listing an auction item on this site.

(6) BIDDER understands that he/she may incur costs of shipping or other expenses to receive auctioned item if the SELLER declines to incur such costs.

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