The Green One in Islam

Ó 1995 Jim Davis

Mysterious one of many seekers,
the Green One (or Man) appears in the least likely places,
and the least likely of all is Islam.
It has been said
that desert peoples value
three things above all else:
water, green things and great beauty.
It is al-Khidar, the Green One, salaam aliehum!
who embodies all three.
It is the Green One:
who first tasted the waters of immortality
bringing back from Hyperborea
infinite light for all who would seek it;
who searches the universe all over
for seekers who would dare to learn the truth;
who is the teacher who appears
when the student is ready;
who is everywhere around us
direct illumination from Divine Reality,
if we would only wake up;
who shocks the mundane
to force them to acknowledge the existence
of the marvelous;
and of whose steps cause the barren soil
to spring up flowers and herbs as he walks.
May you meet the Green One soon!
Salaam Aliehum!