Danu’s Horned God

Carnun -- as you Celts call Him -- is the God of Nature...of Fertility...the first of My Gods...the only one who never betrayed Me. Which is probably why some call Him the devil. He sees the ridiculousness of life. He never takes its pressures too seriously. He sees the laugh of it all. He sees the game for what it is. He is the laughter in the woods. Whereas the Sun God is so serious...is obsessed with authority...with conquering everything...those heroes who follow His path are usually mindless and violent...Oh, you must have seen them! They look so grim...so bitter...they never smile...just go around glaring all the time.

The Horned God is not afraid to show "weakness"...seeks peace rather than war...cooperation rather than strife...and couldn’t give a damn about power. He is the male representation of life. My arm. But He is not afraid of death...of losing control...because He knows it’s only a return to Me. He knows it’s all a game. My sport. Because that’s how nature is. He is the joy of life...the laughter in the woods...the Lord of My beasts...who knows the true delights of paradise are found in My arms...for, in love, man makes a temporary return to the Goddess.

- Pat Mills & Simon Bisley, Slaine: The Horned God