A WWF Conspiracy?

The Players:

The "Corporate Conspirators" of the WWF: Gerald Brisco, Vincent K. McMahon, Jr. and Pat Patterson.

The Victims:

Here we have those who have been "screwed" by Vince McMahon: Current WWF Champ Steve Austin, the man formerly known as Goldust: Dustin Runnels, the man formerly known as Avatar, Shinobi, and Leif Cassidy: Al Snow, and Bret "Hitman" Hart.

Wait a minute... last I heard, "Bret Hart... screwed Bret Hart". Oh Well.

But really, Vince McMahon has become the best heel in wrestling today. Right from the very beginning of his heel turn. He's got what a lot of others heels don't have: great facial/vocal expression.

What do I mean you say? Ok, let me give you an example: The Rock. What gets The Rock over with the fans is his fabulous mic work and (picture him saying this) "being the best damn intercontinental champion..... there ever was." That cocky, arrogant sneer... the confidence... the guy the fans love to hate. Why else would they chant "Rocky Sucks" over and over?

Same goes for McMahon. That smug smile that says, "I'm the number one dog in my pound, I'm Vince F'N McMahon." He's supposed to always be calm, cool and collected. The fans hate that. But when they Vince goes into that emotional outburst, they love it! Watch McMahon get arrested, the fans just eat it up!

What's great about this whole "conspiracy" angle between McMahon and Austin is that we know what "can" happen. We know the "rules": Piss off the boss, and he'll make you pay. McMahon really did screw Bret Hart out of his title at the Survivor Series. Vince gets a lot of negative heat for it. Now McMahon threatens to do the same thing again? And then say he's gonna screw the most popular star since Hulk Hogan in the 80's? Boom. Instant heel heat. It's no imitation of Bischoff's "evil promoter" heel turn over in WCW. Bishoff is just there to irritate the fans, and suck on... oops I mean suck up to Hogan. His heel turn was for shock value alone. Vince's heel turn has built up over time.

Vince McMahon has gone done for himself what he's done for Austin, Michaels, The Rock, and 3/4 of the roster of WCW. He's made himself into a star. Just you wait and see: Austin vs. McMahon @ Summerslam '98.

Some Great Photos of Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon: The Most Buff 54 Year Old Ladies Man In Wrestling

Vince McMahon vs Steve Austin (with a steel chair)

Vince McMahon: Next WWF Champion?

Vince McMahon Gets Arrested!

Vince McMahon vs. The Undertaker

I know that these pics have been taken only within a couple of weeks of each other but hey, these are some classics!
