Candy's Low Carb Corner
Welcome to my Low Carb Recipe site!
As a cook and food columnist by trade, I have taken many 'regular' recipes and converted them into low carb dishes.
Most recipes do not include carb counts. I simply do not have the time to do that. Maybe if time allows I can add them in. But you should always check the carb counts yourself to be sure WHAT you are eating.
I began the Atkins Way of Life in September 2001. Since that time I have lost 70 pounds. I still have 89 pounds to go but I will get there. Click here to see my before and current picutres.
If you have any good original recipes you'd like to add here just email me and let me know. I will certainly give you credit.
This site is NOT by any means complete. Please chck back often to see new recipes. New recipes will be listed in the Index as *NEW*
The Low Carb Food Pyramid
*Disclaimer - I try and post sources of recipes if I know them. If you find one of the recipes posted here to be yours, please let me know and I will give you credit.
This page last updated 8-11-02