1.3 Oceanographic Hazards

1.3.1. Tsunami & Stormsurges

Tsunami* in the Caribbean are discussed by Lander and Lockridge (1989) with some interesting case studies and old etchings, including one of the Royal Steamer 'La Plata' near Charlotte Amalie on November 18, 1867 caught in a huge wave. Tsunami not only occur as consequences of local or regional earthquakes, but also from earthquakes as far as Portugal. In addition, submarine eruptions of Kick-Em Jenny may well trigger a tsunami some day. Owing to the low tidal range in the Caribbean, astronomical tides have little effect.

We did not include tsunami or storm surges specifically in our questionnaire, so that their effects are likely to be included under category 1.2.2. Floods. Newspaper reports of the 1995 Caribbean hurricane season made several references to accompanying storm surges.

* the Japanese word tsunami does not change in the plural

* SOEST map of tsunami travel times in the Pacific

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