Sometimes, while playing old MSX games, I caught myself thinking on how those games could be
improved, considering today's standards.
Well, some crazy guys just got one step further and started recreating a much loved game: Phantis !!!
In fact they build an emulator called Spec256, capable of displaying this game on 256 color mode.
(This emulator can be found at Emulatronia, a cool Spanish emulation web site.)
The result of this is very impressive, as you can see from the snapshots below:


Original Phantis snapshot.

256 color Phantis snapshot.

Original Phantis snapshot.

256 color Phantis snapshot.
How did they do this ?
Well, according to them, they just manually edited the game graphics, letting alone the game core itself.
Sounds simple, heh ?
Well, I guess there's a lot of hard work behind it.
Let's keep an eye on this emulator, because they just announced they would be releasing
Knight Lore and Army Moves 1 & 2 !!!
Personally, I would like very much to see them working on a game like Abadia del Crimen.
Perhaps one day... ;)

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