story line on this site is my own private world of I do not own the characters that appear on Hawaii Five-O, Remington Steele, or any other show characters that may be used. The characters that I develop to go into the story are mine and cannot be used without my permission.
Sorry about my lack of updating lately, but my computer crashed and I lost some files. I'm hoping to get back to work on the site soon.
Story TimeThis story includes the
main story line plus additional side stories about the
This story is broken down in various sections describing various events in Caterina and Dan Williams lives together. Each section of the story is a full story on it own merit, but it does mention events in other sections and developing possibilities. Many of the sections only raise questions that can only be answered in future sections. These
are pictures of James MacArthur as Dan 'Danno" Williams from the
show Hawaii Some of the Hawaii Five-O are of James MacArthur and other members of the show. There are additional picture pages of James MacArthur from his various performance in other shows and movies. Most of
these pictures are my property and you are free to
With time my picture pages may also include screen captures of Remington Steele. Click on one of the pictures to go to these pages.
I will be posting various
Robins, along with their
resulting stories. If you have any suggestions for a challenge, please feel free to leave me a suggestion. Betty's Book-Me Danno is hosting Case File stories of other authors.
Additional Story TimeI will be posting other stories that I have been working on. These stories are not related to Hawaii Five-O or Remington Steele. These are stories I found myself writing for fun. Most of these stories are for adults as they have adult themes and sexual content in them. If you are offended by these items or are under the age of 18, do not read them. For the past few months I have been exploring another avenue of writing. I have been writing erotic stories and they are posted on an adult only site. If you are interested in reading my erotic stories, email me and I will send you the address to this member page.
"Shipp Caper" is getting closer to being posted. Need to finish a few things. Sorry to say, with my recent illness this story is still under construction and I'm trying to figure out the ending. Update News for the Contests Sorry for the delay, but I will have updates for future challenges soon. If you any ideas for a challenge let me know in the mean time. Thanks! We are in need of the next round. Who will go through next? I have the next section of this and may finish it off. Sorry to say that my health hasn't been the best and I'm trying to get back into working on my site again. The end of the Round Robin may be on the horizon as soon as I finish reading the submission on it. I have the finish to this round robin. I need to find the file for it again so I can get it posted. It has a nice finish to it. If anyone is interested in a new round robin, drop me a email letting know what you would like the story to be about. The first author other then to my challenges and round robin has submitted a story to my Case File Patricia Engel has written a story called "Worst Fears Realized." Other authors are welcome to submit there work for posting here, if they wish. Do to a change in Tripods space limitation some of picture pages have had to come down for a short amount of time. I'm in need of finding a way to get my pictures to work on the site once again. This is under investigation. This section is under reconstruction and will up again soon.
Since October 18, 2001
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with questions or comments about this web site.