
Cheese Culture is a kinetic magazine

What does that canned hoohaw mean?

Send us any creative spittle spawned from your person and inspired by the topic of that

particular issue. Our crack team of crack smokers will review all submissions received

before the closing date. All submissions relevent to the topic will be included in

CheeseCulture. We reserve the right to edit submissions for length (you will be informed

of all edits prior to the posting of your material at which time you can try to bring

us to our senses or refuse publication).

Watch the magazine grow before yours eyes

until the closing date when the final version is complete! Contribute words, pictures,

fancy candy, odd tidbits, freaky evidence, historical farses-- anything relevant to the topic

and constistant with the theme of this magazine.

The theme you ask?

To wallow and howl at the feast of the foul tasting uber-gumdrop called America.

Your suffacating my freedom, dude.

If you say bullocks to that kind of narrow niche bunkum, then you are served with the 'other'.

Each issue will have an 'other' option by which you are invited to contribute any bit of

something you think should be shown or told. Anything relevant to anything. Flounce, grouse,

squeak, or levitate all over the 'other'.

Submit to the Cheese

Send words as attachment text files and pictures in tiff or gif format to Cheese Culture.

Still confused?

Write Cheese Culture and tell us of your quandry.