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Last revised 12-20-98
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NEW!!!!! Direct from Austria!
This is an image of the front page of the booklet that is included with one of the new ZNAP sets. It is set 3581, and comes in a plastic case.
It should be clear that any compatibility between the ZNAP line and normal Lego is only coincidental. This should drive the traditionalists wild.
This is the back cover of that booklet. Note the kid in the very large F-1 racer made out of ZNAP pieces.
This is the front view of set 3581, including the plastic case which it comes in.
This view is of just the plastic carry case of set 3581. I am beginning to concentrate on collecting Lego cases, so this was a nice treat.
This is a rear view of the 3581 set and case and wrapper.
This is a view of the Cybermaster set 8482. Also straight from Austria. I was very disappointed to discover that the case has a spine of plastic, but the rest is just a cardboard box with fancy printing.
Here are the new watches I picked up at the Lego Imagination Center at the Mall of America.
The first is called the Starlet. It has a rectangular face, and the pastel colors that mark it as Lego-targeted for girls.
The Orbit is very strange. The basic watch package is the same as the UFO watch, but the accessory is very wierd.
The attatchment is a star-chart and magnifyer. You are supposed to be able to set the sky chart for the correct time of year, and - with the magnifier - be able to match up the stars in the sky to the constellations chart provided.
Heck, it may even work. I'll have to try it some clear night.
Here is what may have been the first web pic of a 5600 RC truck in consumer hands.
Performance is just what one would expect from a 4 AA battery pack. It has a switch on the underside of the chassis to select between two speeds.
But what the heck, it is still fun, and irritates the dogs.
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