CONVERSATION NINE—"I AM the Awakening Christ" This is a day of synchronicity, a new start. While you may not see it on the surface, you are making a decision to live. It is difficult to fully face the urge to die, for few of your brothers and sisters have the strength and courage to do so. To own the embrace of death is the doorway to life. You have died and died again, each time suffering the desecration of what you know is life eternal, which is natural in my kingdom. Death is not. You have chosen death as another of the many demonstrations of separation. It, above all others, may be the greatest. To die is to assert you are not eternal, One with me. It is a necessary step you must take to prove your separation is real. Like all things born of separation, death, too, is based in illusion. This I proved to you through the Resurrection. What will it take for you to come directly home? Death, while an escape from your self-imposed exile in the body, is not the path to freedom that you seek. You seek to come home to me, yet you have denied we are One. How then can you be with me? What is this magical heaven you presuppose? Is it a place where you come to be my servants, disciples, and inferiors, still set apart from me? While many of my testimonies to your true estate have been purposefully removed from the Bible, a few remain. I will repeat them many times, that you might hear these truths from a source so many seem to give credence to. "Know ye, ye are Gods!" "Greater works than these shall ye do!" I came 2,000 years ago as a wayshower, a demonstration of what is true. I come again, now, but this time through you as you. You are the Second Coming. The Christ as Jesus will return, but not as savior. I come this time through him again, but now to celebrate your union with me, your brother/sisterhood in the Christ. I come, through all who will claim me, to awaken the presence of the Kingdom already on Earth. As long as you refuse to accept our unity, this cannot happen. You and you alone allow the Kingdom to come. It is not a great task for the Kingdom to be established. It is a simple matter of allowing what is true. To state "I AM the Awakening Christ" is not blasphemous, nor an affirmation intended to overcome the harsh reality of your sinful state. No, it is a simple statement of fact. It is a self- reminder of what is clearly truth. Can you accept the truth? This is all that is required. When this truth is accepted, all the many illusions and mistaken beliefs will simply begin to dissolve, no longer held together by your denial of me. I, the Christ, am One with you. You are the Awakening Christ. He has spoken the truth. I AM the Awakening Christ. I can no longer deny this. I see how my death urge has been so clearly linked to my denial of the Christ within. I’ve been afraid to own this—afraid I’d be killed or ostracized; afraid I was crazy or deluded; afraid I wouldn’t be able to live it and would fall on my face in total humiliation and despair. Now I see it is the simple truth. Nothing I do or say can change this. And it’s the simple truth of all my brothers and sisters. Any thought that belies this in any way is false.