[Chrysalis Foundation]

There is a profound opportunity during the solar eclipse for the reprogramming of planetary consciousness. Gaia and all of humanity process all consciousness functions (mental, emotional, spiritual) through what is called the Earth Grid, a multidimensional network of etheric energy channels that surround the planet. Like the acupuncture meridians, chakras, and nadis in the human subtle body system, the Earth has a similar gridwork of subtle energy channels, which are the circuitry for the global mind/consciousness. During an eclipse, the Earth Grid is greatly decreased in intensity. As this occurs, the entire system goes through a mini-refresh or reset, where a lot of the static and incoherence in the system is released. The result is a great opportunity for re-programming the grid with something that is more coherent with life. When the grid goes down on August 11, each of us can enter into state of deep inner connection with our core soul essence while simultaneously connecting with the planet and the rest of humanity. We can re-program the grid with the energy and consciousness of love and unity. We can feel and visualize the forces involved in this eclipse as being transformed from the negative ego outpicturing to those of the highest possibilities of the soul. Hopefully this article will help you in clarifying for yourself what these dynamics are. You can also connect with your guides, angels, ascended masters, and other spiritual beings and ask for their assistance in realizing the great gifts and opportunities of this propitious event. It behooves us to ask them for help, for their level of intercession is directly proportional the level of sincerity, humility and desire in our request for help.

We can consciously tap into the golden web of unified consciousness encircling the planet that has been called the "Christ Consciousness Grid," and bring it down, weaving it with the Earth. It is the task of humanity to ground and integrate this level of the planetary grid during the incoming new cycle or planetary age. Essentially, we are given a profound opportunity for grid re-engineering and for reprogramming the collective planetary consciousness during this window.

As mentioned earlier, the August 11 event is a key trigger event in the orchestrating of a number of larger cycles of planetary evolution. It is another stage in a process that will span decades, centuries and millennia, and will be re-triggered again and again during cyclical planetary contacts to the August 11 planetary configuration. Our greatest level of participation in co-creating the "New Heaven, New Earth" is through the realization that we are the microcosm of the macrocosm, a subfractal of all of humanity. What we do within ourselves is echoed throughout the collective human psyche. We can consciously choose to face our own shadow, and commit to death and rebirth, owning responsibility for everything within our life. We can embrace love and unity as the path, and avoid the traps of judgement and projection. We can dive deep within ourselves in the quest for unification with the One light within the lotus of the Soul. And, we can support others to do the same. Collective humanity is entering the birth canal of Gaia. We will, with ease and grace, or with difficulty, emerge as a new soul-awakened species. Let’s choose the path of ease and grace!