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Clinton High School · Clinton, Illinois

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Welcome to the Class of 1980 Web Site!


   Here is the place to find information about the following:

Party Balloons   20th Class Reunion  
The 20th Class Reunion was held on Saturday, June 24, 2000, at the Elks in Clinton.  Check the list of class members who came to the reunion! Check the Memories section below in the near future for pictures from the reunion!

The Road Since Graduation   Classmates      
You can view a list of class members for which we have no current contact information, and link to alumni registration sites if you want to find others who went to Clinton High School, or register so that you can be found!   We have also added a section with information about what your classmates have been doing since graduation.   Add your story to the list by filling out the information form!   You can also access a current copy of the class list of names and addresses.  We also have a page dedicated to the memory of classmates who are no longer with us.  Check here for more details.

Camera    Memories   

We have some fun pages to take you back to your high school days!  We've got group photos from the 10th and 20th Reunions, and there's a panoramic view of the Square as it looks today.   Check back soon for more pictures from the 20th Reunion!

postcard.gif (1914 bytes)    Postcards   
We have a postcard page, where you can send images from Clinton, along with music from the '70s!  And now, you can choose birthday, congratulations, and seasonal images, with corresponding music! 

bs00589_.wmf (9390 bytes)   Chat Room and Bulletin Board
We have our own chat room and bulletin board, accessible from this site!  Contact a classmate and use the chat room to communicate in real time, or join in a scheduled chat for all interested classmates.  Or, post a note on the bulletin board and check back later for replies!

Guestbook    Sign the Guestbook
Take a moment and leave a message about yourself, to another classmate, or about the reunion for other visitors to see.

Mailbox   Send an email
If you have questions or comments, or want to contribute material for the website, let us know!

Feedback Form   Site Feedback
Did you find a broken link?  Is something missing?  Does the site look unusual in your browser, or does it take too long to download?  Let us know here!

Compass    Site Map
View the structure of the site and access links to all pages.