This is the PCU gallery! Please go through and observe David Spade in PCU!!!If you have any questions or comments or have a PCU tidbit or link write me at!!!
Rand McPherson played by the one the only, funniest man on earth, SNL veteran, god, Actor extraordinaire,...ohh excuse me...David Spade!
Well my general summary is the film goes where ever you take it! The movie begins like it is about Tom Lawrence (Chris Young). Tom is coming to Port Chester to observe the Port Chester Unviersity (PCU...get it now) to ponder of he would like to continue his academic career there. As he arrives, the admissions group sends him to the senior voice James Andrews aka Droz (Jeremy Piven), so he may show Tom around campus. Only to his shugrin he is incountered by wymonists, gay rights groups, Black Panther-esqe minorities, etc..etc... Then the plot unfolds and you meet Randall Peburne McPherson (DAVID SPADE). It seems that Rand and his fraternity (Balls and Shaft) want their old frat house back from ironically Droz and his ratpackers.Then the movie takes a swerve to a plot about Rand and Droz. The story unfolds into an "Animalhouse"-esqe film only to have a good against evil battle. Who will win?? Check it out at most video stores!