The Code of the Courts


Parliament of Dreams' Courtly Laws as seen by Trolls
Code of the Seelie

"You may think it strange, Duke Dray, to hear respect for tradition and the past cross my lips.  If so, that is only a result of your total lack of knowledge of both myself and those I represent.  I will not deny your accusation, but confirm it.  I did, indeed, lead the 4th Troll Commons in the Accordance War, and I defend my actions as both honorable and necessary.  I am a troll, and I understand, perhaps more than most, but definitely more than you, the need for a stable and respectable form of government.  Would I have been honorable and true to my role as protector of the fae if I had willingly and meekly returned the reins of Kithian society to the hands of those who fled to Arcadia in fear, their collective tails between their legs?  I think not!"

                                             - General Lyros, speech at the Parliament of Dreams
The reputation of the majority of Trolls is largely based on the Seelie members of our Kith.  Strength,
Honor, Duty, and Obligation are the lifeblood of our Seelie Kith, and the cold grip of death would truly be preferable to relinquishing these attributes for many.  If the Seelie have any pillars of Fae society and
protectors of all the Kith then it is us.  Little wonder then is it that we Seelie Trolls turn to the past for
wisdom and insight.  At any moment through history there has always been more Seelie Trolls than
Unseelie, but the gap between the two has narrowed in modern times I am told.  Many Fae, with our Kith among them, considers trolls the living embodiment of the Seelie Code.

Death Before Dishonor
 When it comes to Seelie Trolls this proscription is the most obvious aspect of our kith. Our oaths are the
 very core of who and what we are, with adamant punishment for those that waver.  Never forget though
      that fae blood is not to be wasted.  By way of precedent of Ottmar Oceanheart, atoning for a
 transgression of honor is an acceptable alternative to death, but only as long as the dishonorable troll takes  no glory or aggrandizement for their acts.  For trolls, righting a wrong one of them has committed is rarely something to be celebrated.  Of all the rules of the Seelie, Seelie Trolls take this the most seriously.
~ By Oranthus the Troll Graybeard Scribe ~

Love Conquers All
 I for one have seen what other Fae think of when love comes to mind, and our kith is not in their picture.  We Trolls if ever come to mind, but what does is the glorious Sidhe or the many tragic tales of love between commoner and noble.  Do not we have loving hearts as powerfully large as our bodies are big?  Is it not possible to find love outside our kith?  To those fae who are not Trolls pay attention to that loyal brute you simply call on for service.  He may be proving his love with step of his stride in service toward your goals and ideals.
~ By Squire Hadrian the Troll of the Brotherhood of the Dalelands ~

Beauty is Life
  To us trolls, beauty is love.  Not to surprising when one tries to search nature for the rose they wish to
 give their sweetheart.  This would explain why you find us protecting nature as farmers, eco-terrorists, or
   park rangers.  True beauty cannot be captured or possessed for it will surely die.  However, it can be
  nurtured and protected like the love we give to our oathbound companions.  Among my Seelie brothers
there can be nothing as noble and honorable as protecting beauty.
 ~ By Squire Hadrian the Troll of the Brotherhood of the Dalelands ~

Never Forget a Debt
 "Like begets like," as the trolls always say.  Though most look at this in the positive sense, there is a dark overtone as well.  All kind acts are repaid, not out of a sense of duty, but out of fairness.  One who
would offer friendship is imminently deserving of its return.  Similarly, one who offers scorn or enmity
should expect no less for himself.  Fairness, even inflexible fairness, is so often associated with trolls that most find it inconceivable to think otherwise.
 ~ By Oranthus the Troll Graybeard Scribe ~