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That's right. You placed an ad. Now mail us your photo, and we will scan it for you and attach it to your ad. Top-level government studies just released under the Freedom of Information Act have shown that an ad will get more responses with a photo attached. So, if you don't have a photo of yourself on your computer and have no way of getting it there (if you do, you can just e-mail it to us or, with Netscape 2.0 or higher or IE 3.02 or higher, you can upload it), then follow the steps below. Be sure it is a photograph you are willing to give away, because we cannot return them to you. It's not that we're mean (okay, just a little), we just don't have the staff for it. But we promise we'll hang it up on the company refrigerator.
- Find a photo that looks like you (with clothes on, please). It can be a snapshot, professionally done, or a passport photo (it's your life). Just try to keep the size less than 5 inches by 7 inches. Photos with good contrast and that are not too dark scan best.
- Write on the back of the photograph, your e-mail address you used when you placed an ad with us. If you haven't placed an ad, then we'll have to use your photograph as a mousepad, because we won't be able to attach it to anything.
- Put it in an envelope, and mail it to -
Alternative Connections Photos
c/oWeb Media Ventures, LLC
5307 Mockingbird Lane
Suite 512
Dallas, TX 75206
- Wait.
- After we attach your photo (we'll notify you), check your e-mail often.
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