Navy Bean Soup

Here is a soup that is still great for protein but it is from beans.
As always if you are on the Puree Diet, prepare as instructed for your family, then take out a portion for yourself and place that in a blender at puree for about 2 minutes.
Reheat if necessary.

From the kitchen at Daryl’s Chic Bistro:

Navy Bean Soup
Yield: 8 servings

2 cup navy beans
1/3 lb salt pork, diced
1 salt and pepper

Wash beans.
Cover with water.
Add pork. Cover. Simmer until beans are tender.

Add more water if necessary.

If desired, a milk substitute may be added just before beans are served. (I like Vitamite a soy beverage that is non-dairy -- this will also pick up the protein value of the soup)

Season to taste.

Nutritional Analysis: (per serving)

Calories = 107
Protein = 9 gr.
Total Fat= 3 gr.
Carbo. = 11 gr.

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