Spicy Raspberry Cider

I was visiting a Mennonite village and was served a fabulous drink. It was so good I was afraid to drink it. You know, if it taste real good it must be bad for you! But when they noticed I was not drinking I was ask if there was a problem? I told them I had a special surgery and could not consume anything with a high volume of sugar. They laughed and handed me my glass and said this was something I could enjoy, there is no sugar added at all!

I had a great time visiting and gathering some recipes for the wonderful food they have in their daily diet. So with out any more suspense here is the recipe I have devised from what they told me about this great drink:

1. Start with (4 cups) Unsweetened Apple Cider.
2. Add about 18 ounces Unsweetened Pineapple juice.
3. Add (2 cups) fresh or frozen Raspberries.
4. Add a dash (or to taste) of Allspice.
5. Add a dash (or to taste) of Cloves.
6. Add a dash (or to taste) of Nutmeg.

Stir mixture well.
Take this mixture and pour into a large sauce pan and slowly bring to a boil.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer 15 to 30 minutes. Stir often.
Remove from heat.
This is where you could add some Honey or Sorghum; but...

I found that Stevia or Splenda or even Equal works great to add a little sweetness.
(Equal -- add 4 packets)

Makes 7 (8-ounce) servings.

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories = 127
Protein = 1 gr.
Carbohydrates = 31 gr.
Total Fat = 0 gr.
Cholesterol = 0 mg.
Sodium = 5 mg.

Diabetic Food Exchanges: 2 Fruit

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