Comments and Reviews

This page is nothing more than "My Brag Sheet"

Below you will find a few unsolicited comments that have been made by individuals who have visited this site and wanted to tell their friends about it.

OSSB (Obesity Surgery Support Group) is an online support group dedicated to supporting the needs of persons who are waiting for weight loss surgery or persons who have already had WLS. This support group site is located at

From: "Janine Noelle" < > OSSB
To: OSSG Subject: Re: Pre-OP’s PLEASE read
I checked this site out, and I think we should shout from the rooftops for EVERYONE to go and visit this site. It is a much different site than many of the links posted on this list; there aren't a bunch of pretty graphics, the pages load pretty fast; and it is soooooooo worth the time to go and read Daryl's story. He gives a great overview of his journey through WLS. The part that really struck me was his hospital experience. It will give you a whole new perspective on any hospital stay. And, it really drives the message home that we, ultimately, are responsible to manage and direct our own care ..... even in the hospital! If you read Daryl's entire story, you will see that there were so many times that nurses and hospital staff made mistakes that affected his recovery --- they nearly killed him several times! I'm not an alarmist; I know that this is not the normal hospital experience, but we all need to be aware that the hospital staff is changing at regular intervals .... new faces .... new levels of expertise and care .... new interpretations of doctor's orders, etc. So, everyone, this is your second recommendation to go and check out this worthwhile site! Janine Noelle

From: "Katey Lunden" < > OSSG
Subject: Daryl's story
A site was suggested Sunday, as a good site to visit. I rarely comment on these suggested site's, but this one is a must. If you haven't checked it out, I'm here to nag you, especially the pre-op's. His story is one in a million, I would love to know what hospital it was. For those of you who have not yet realized that you must be aggressive in demanding to know what and why any doctor or nurse does something, YOU MUST SEE THIS.

From: (Jo Holmes)
Thanks, Daryl. I forwarded on your web-site to an ICQ buddy who just had this… his doctor INSISTED he have it, and so his mind set was not there the way most of ours is, and I send him every encouraging thing I can find. I think he is coming around a bit now, and every male oriented thing or encouraging story I can find goes out to him now. Thanks for making a difference in so many peoples lives.

Daryl - Its 6:30 in the morning and I have viewed most of your Web Page and it is WONDERFUL !!! I have to get ready for work now but I will see the rest of it this evening. I have just seen a doctor about WLS and your page is so informative !! My concern now is getting insurance approval but your page has given me a lot of the information I would have never even thought to ask for. I am so happy that through all the obstacles and problems you encountered all is well for you now - YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION DARYL.

From: (Bob or Laura)
Hi ya Daryl! Its me Laura again. Listen, I have compiled the beginning of a website myself and I was wondering if I could have your permission to link site on my links page. Your page isn't to be missed by anyone considering a gastric bypass.
Thanks, Laura

Daryl, Thanks so much for all the useful information... I have copied it and plan on making up my list a.s.a.p.!! There were ideas in your letter I had not thought of including in my information but I am going to include now... Thank you for investing so much time in writing me such a detailed plan. I sincerely appreciate it and right now I can use all the help I can get. I will keep you posted on my progress, and with the help of you and others on the list I firmly believe I can make this journey into a reality!!
Sincerely, Catherine

From: (Lisa Bevan)
Hi there.
I posted to this group (OSSG onelist) about your web page. I am glad to see you are doing so very well. I thought your story was extremely important for others to know. I hope you don't mind me telling others about you.
I weigh 430 pounds. My surgeon wants me to lose as much weight as possible before he operates. Now before you say go to another surgeon... I live in the UK and by the UK standards, I am the largest person they've ever had. Actually, I was referred onto the surgeon I now have by a surgeon who wouldn't touch me. He wanted me to lose 150 pounds before he operated. As you can imagine, if I could just up and lose 150m pounds, I would have done it already so I asked to be referred to another surgeon. At 5'4" and with a BMI of 71, I am technically the largest patient they've ever had.
I really appreciate all your help.
Thanks, and good luck on continued success.

5'4" at 430 lbs
Pre-op RNY
Professor Baxter at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, Wales, UK

From: (Bob or Laura)
Hi Daryl,
My name is Laura. I am seriously considering having a gastric bypass done (going to my seminar next week) and I just wanted to let you know that your website has been the best one I have seen. I have been pouring over it for hours, and each time I go online, I read some more of it. I have already written my letter to the insurance company and I have it with my new patient papers for my surgeon. Thank you so much for explaining what insurance companies really want to know. In my case, I am about 130 pounds overweight, but I don't have any other significant health problems that I am aware of. They do cover surgery though, so that’s a plus. I just hope that they will approve this … but for some reason, I feel as if I know you, just from reading about you. I trust your opinion. Thanks for sharing your experiences with me.
Laura H., Ohio

From: (Jim)
Hello Daryl
I just got the word the insurance company approved my surgery . I go to a class May 7 to talk about the surgery that Dr. Zemel does . To Let me know what I am in for. After that they will set my surgery date . Thank you so much for letting me and others in on the ordeal that you went threw . There is nothing like first hand information .
Your Friend Jim

From: (Deneen Wynn)
Thank you for your assistance. My Doctor is sending me to another sleep clinic for a complete study. You are a blessing to people like me who don't have physicians who are concerned enough about their care and leave their patients to fight the insurance company alone.
Hooray for you and your crossing over. Wow how different life must be for you now.

From: To: DarylGDav Daryl...all I can say is wow!!! You are amazing I hope to do as well as you if I ever get that far. I am on s.s.i. and weigh in at just over 500, I don't think the state insurance will cover me. I switched my PCP, and the new one is great and said lets send it through anyway and see what they tell us. So now I am on pins and needles waiting… I have read many of your e-mails to myself and others on the [OSSG} list and you are a constant source of compassion and support. I think that is wonderful. I try to remain positive, but I find myself sitting up late like now and wondering if I will ever find my life again. It sounds like you have a wonderful surgeon... it is truly heartwarming to hear when someone takes you under their wing like it seems he does with his patients. Keep up the good work and keep your fingers crossed for me, OK? I need all the hope I can get right now...Catherine

From: (jwelch)

Hi Daryl!

You know, when I first read your website, recommended reading by someone on the list because of your problems in the hospital, I thought to myself "we have to get this guy on the list!" And within a week, there you were! Ever since then I have read and appreciated EVERY word that you have posted. You have so much information, but more than that, the feeling really comes through that you care about the person you are writing to and that's why I enjoy reading them all. In fact, I have printed more of your posts for my information book than anyone else's! If I weren't in San Francisco and so close to Dr. Rabkin with his distal gastric bypass/duodenal switch operation, I would have done my level best to see your Dr. because his surgery and the DS are the only two procedures that seem to have everyone reaching their goal weights (I think it's the "distalness").

Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble, I just wanted you to know that you are one of the few reasons I still read the OSSG list since we have our own DS list. You are appreciated, my friend.

San Jose, CA
Dr. Rabkin, pre-op


I think your contribution to the OSSG list has been wonderful. My own experience is from your web site prior to my surgery. You know my story. My cpap was set on 10. I told my surgeon your story, and although she had never had a problem with a cpap, she agreed that it is a potential risk when the setting is so high. We agreed to get the setting to a 5, but couldn’t find anyone to adjust the setting for the first two days after surgery. I was miserable without my cpap, but at least I had no serious complications. On the third day, we found someone in the hospital who could change the setting, so it's been smooth sailing ever since. The setting of 5 is agreeing with me, and I believe I will be off the cpap in a few months. At any rate, I do believe the precautions we took alleviated a possible dangerous situation, as confirmed by you.

So, many thanks my dear friend, for going where the rest of us are grateful we don't have to go , because of you. Well, I hope you know what I mean.


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