The first step in obtaining one of the many types of Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) is to pick a doctor. This was not very easy for me; I did not know any surgeons who specialized in this field. I first tried to find a doctor on the www. Yes, that worked out, and I developed a good rapport with one doctor. However my insurance would not cover services for a doctor out of their network. So, when you start looking for a doctor, you should first check with your insurance company. I did, and although they are not allowed to refer you to a particular doctor they can give you the names of doctors in your network that are known to be in this field.
Next meet with the doctor. Make an appointment and go see him in person. The doctor I chose: George Cowan Jr., MD Professor of Surgery at University of Tennessee Medical School in Memphis TN. This doctor will not set an appointment for any new patient until you first go to one of his seminars. So my wife and I did just that. During the meeting I attended some 35 - 40 people learned all about the different surgical procedures that are available. Each procedure is discussed in detail, both the pros and the cons. There are eight surgical procedures discussed.
1. Gastric Bypass, "The Memphis Bypass"
2. Basic Gastric Bypass
3. Extended Gastric Bypass with Silastic Ring
4. Reoperation Gastric Bypass with Silastic Ring
5. Intestinal Bypass
6. Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
7. Gastric Banding
8. Gastric Balloon
Dr. Cowan will only do the "Memphis Bypass" and he explains why. Reasons like: Lowest long term risk, Least chance of need to go back under the knife (corrective surgery), Highest long term success rate. After you loose the weight you sure don't want to gain it back! A packet of forms and other paper work is passed out to the attendees.
The Medical History Questionnaire, Beck Inventory, Documented Weight Loss Attempts questionnaire and the Registration Form are to be filled out and returned to his staff.
Now, before the seminar is a good time to make notes of any questions you might have. It seems to me that every time I have questions: The doctor comes in, I get nervous, he is in a hurry, & I forget my questions -- he tells me something and then leaves the room. Then I feel like an idiot!
Make Notes before you get with the doctor, it works better.
Here is some information about the doctor I have chosen to be my sugeron: -----> Follow the Hyper Link Below...
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