IGI for Barnwells & Barnwalls (UK & Ireland)
This page was last updated 18th April 1999
The names BARNWELL, BARNWALL or similar have been extracted from the International Genealogical Index (R) - Version 4.00 for UK & Ireland (copyright of the Church of Latter Day Saints), spouses, where applicable, are also shown. The index includes marriages and christenings etc. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of these records; therefore, you should verify the content against the original documents. This page is under construction.
Holding File Entries:
Events: A=Adult Chr B=Birth C=Chr D=Death M=Marr S=Misc N=Census W=Will
Batch/Source: Ba=Batch So=Source Pr=Printout F#=Film Number P#=Page Number O#=Ordinance Number
Special Symbols: * Film contains no additional information. ^_- Some information was estimated or altered.
@ Names and relationships of others stated in source. & Parents listed may not be birth parents.
> Additional information from Special Services, Temple Dept. # Additional relatives listed in source.
+ Additional sources for batch. ======================================================
Surnames Barnwell & Barnwall (or similar) Births & Christenings etc.Christian names beginning with letters:
Barnwell & Barnwall (or similar) Marriages
Christian names beginning with letters: