Welcome to our page dedicated to one of our favorite games,
Super Smash Brothers. On this site you will find the basic
moves for each character, combos, and various strategies--just
take a look at the links to the left. With multiple updates a
week, we hope to one day actually cover everything in the
sections listed. Until then, we will continue to bring you
frequent updates with new and, more importantly, useful
strategies that will increase your Super Smash Brothers playing
ability. The only thing we will continue to not have information
on are are codes--for that, just drop by IGN64. Thanks for
Last update: August 25, 1999 (5:00 PM)
Unerring words of wisdom are now available in the newly
created conduct page. Click to it quickly so that you can
ensure a fairer and, therefore, funner game for you and your
friends just by taking a few moments to sit down and read it.
Also, our launch system coverage continues to steamroll
through the village. Both Luigi's and Kirby's launchers are
dissected for your reading pleasure.
Previous update: August 21, 1999 (3:35 PM)
More launch system info included. Today, our favorite
Pokemon of them all, Jigglypuff, is covered with launch ratings
as well as descriptions. Also, the board strategies has a major
update with many more strategies for the Classic Mario Bros
and Peach's Castle stages.
Disclaimers: This page's authors do not work for Nintendo or HAL, we are not related to them at all, and we make
no claims to be. All the artwork is based on characters who are copyrighted by Nintendo or HAL. All the
strategies, combos, moves, et al are based on the Nintendo game (the name of this game being trademarked by
Nintendo). This page merely contains information on strategies for playing Super Smash Bros. As for the
combos, thoughts, strategies, et al on this page, they are copyrighted by the authors and are not to be
republished without our consent--please e-mail us at mfs200@is6.nyu.edu if you intend to republish our material.
Please do not rip us off--we've spent a lot of time putting this page together and are committed to continuing with
this dedication. And, for more info on Super Smash Bros, visit the Nintendo-run site at www.smashbros.com.