Malcolm X- His life story

I  am going to give a full and detailed account of the  life story of Malcolm X. I have researched his life extensively and I know that just as I am, you will be fascinated by the accomplishments and the achievements that he has in his life. There are many different things that he has done in his life, from the time that he was named Malcolm Little, to after he had experienced the Hajj, and changed his name to Malcolm X. All of these events are included in this page and everything in-between.


Malcolm links site
This site gives a lot of different information. It is largely about how there is an organization backing Malcolm X and all about what they believe. There are many very good links that are given in this site. This site is better to get other sites out of it than to use it for research. It will lead you to many good sites.

The time line of his life
This site is good for information. It does give the best and most in-depth Timeline that I have been able to find. There are many very detailed events that most sites don't contain. It is very good. I would highly suggest this site.

The story of Malcolm's life
This site has many different  outlooks and opinions, as well as a fairly detailed showing of the life that he lead, and the causes that he fought for. This site is not particularly great, but is one of a few sites that contains information on Malcolm X. All the rest of the site, just tells you how to obtain information.

Another good story of his life
This is another fairly decent account of his life. It is not particularly well written, but does show what it is trying to get across. It is just not done in the best way that it could have been done. It contains all of the information, but is just not very well laid out and written.

                         Sentenced to 8-10 years for armed robbery; served 6 1/2 years at Charlestown, MA State Prison
                         Converted to the Nation of Islam while in prison.
                         Changed name from Malcolm Little to Malcolm X and became Assistant Minister of Nation of Islam's Detroit
                         Promoted to Minister of Nation of Islam's New York Temple
                         Married Sister Betty X in Lansing, Michigan and they had six daughters: Attallah (1958), Qubilah (1960), Ilyasah
                         (1962), Gamilah (1964) and twins Malaak and Malikah (1965).
                         Traveled to Middle East and Africa
                         Nation of Islam ordered Malcolm X to be silent, allegedly because of remarks concerning President Kennedy's
        March, 1964
                         Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam and started his new organization, Muslim Mosque, Inc. and changed his name to
                         El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz.
        April, 1964
                         Traveled to Middle East and Africa
        June, 1964
                         Founded  the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), a secular political group,
        July, 1964
                         Traveled to Africa
        February, 1965
                         Malcolm X's home was firebombed
        February, 1965
                        Assassinated as he began speaking at the Audubon Ballroom, New York.

Split from the --(Nation of Islam)-

    Malcolm had been a big part of taking Islam from being a very little religion and following to being one of the largest. It was now one of the most powerful forces in America, not to mention one of the most influential mostly all due to the contributions of Malcolm. Along with Christianity and Judaism Islam was one of the largest religions in the US. He was one of the best speakers and best minds ever. He was also an excellent debater. He was often seen debating on TV, on the radio and in high profile events and college settings. Although Malcolm claimed to be non-violent with his beliefs of Islam, there were many skeptics that thought that he was very centered towards violence as the only option. They were led to believe this for one, just for the reason that he was Black. Because most whites were scared of blacks and him being a very intellectual and influential African-American made him even more intimidating for most whites. But he also made statements that were very questionable. Like “ Why, are you going to be non-violent when they bomb your churches and kill your children.”
     There were many rumors circulating About Elijah Muhammad having illigetament children, up to as many as 10. And of legal cases being filed in paternity suits. Although this is very common now, back then it was very bad and frowned upon by most. But this was not nearly Malcolms only problem with the NOI. It commonly asked poor people that could barely pay their own rent and buy their own food for money that the people needed much more than anyone receiving it usually Muhammad and high officials. But Malcolm couldn’t point all of the blame on Muhammad and others he had to take some responsibility. For example he had expanded the empire much too fast and had not allowed enough time for many important things to occur like for the leadership capabilities to expand.
    He had the title of National Minister from Muhammad but was refused to be given the full authority. He was often asked by Muhammad to tone down his remarks and opinions. He was not one easily swayed by others he always stood for what he believed and he didn’t quiet down for long. Muhammad did this because he recognized that they needed to be careful with the handling of public relations and the press. But Malcolm was anything but that. He said what he felt never thinking of consequences. Malcolm was all but quiet in two separate events that stirred many blacks. First the assassination  of the leader of the  N.A.A.C.P, Medgan Eves. Then the killing of the little girls in Birmingham.
    Malcolm made Muhammad uneasy at many times because not only the statements he made and the pressure that he brought through them. He also felt intimidated by Malcolms great mind. One day Malcolm went to visit Muhammad in his Arizona house and brought up the idea of teaching that a man’s accomplishments are greater than his weakness. There were many other things that Muhammad found intimidating. When Kennedy was assassinated the news reached New York later that day and all the blacks wanted to know if a black man was being blamed and they found it was a white man they fell into a state of grief after they knew they had nothing to be mad about since there was no black man being accused. He was the favorite president among blacks since Roosevelt. The NOI was told not to comment. Muhammad had an interview scheduled the next Monday and he knew that all that he would be asked now is about Kennedy and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to say all the right stuff. So he canceled out and Malcolm took his place. Malcolm was told to answer completely conservative and he did very well during the interview, but after it he made a remark saying, ”The violence has been tolerated too long by the US, too long, and now it has finally claimed the life of the President.” although not meant like this, it was interpreted by the Nation and the Press as saying that he was glad that Kennedy had been killed. After this, Muhammad officially silenced Malcolm. He was not allowed to speak for 90 days. After this Malcolm felt hurt and betrayed. Muhammad didn’t even try to stand up for him. But he just moved in with the rest of the country and basically disallowed Malcolm to defend himself. Because he wasn’t able to talk,  he couldn’t say what he meant.
    Malcolm was invited to a fight later that month, he accepted. He took his family and himself and went down to Florida where the fight was to take place. The fighter that had invited him was a man by the name of Casious Clay and Malcolm new that he had expressed interest in the NOI. Malcolm went there and saw Clay defeat the world heavy weight champion, Sonny Liston. Later that night Clay announced that he was going to become a member of the NOI and now is known all over the world by the name that he adopted, Muhammad Ali.
    When Malcolm returned to New York he was hearing many different rumors and he knew what they were all saying. They were saying that the Nation of Islam was done with him. They didn’t want anything to do with him. He decided that he wanted to make the cleanest break that he could and on March  8, 1964 he announced his split from that NOI. 4 days later he announced that he was going to begin a new organization, the Muslim Mosque Inc.
Malcolm Announcing his split from the Nation of Islam                            Malcolm conferring with Elijah Muhammad while still with the NOI

    After Malcolm’s separation from the NOI he founded the Muslim Mosque Inc. This organizations purpose was dedicated to helping African Americans. Malcolm had heard many bad things happening in the ranks of the NOI. He heard of it being infiltrated and many other things. He never really knew if he was hearing what the cops told Muhammad to say or what Muhammad felt. Malcolm never was going to let this happen he took this news and what he felt about it and made sure that he was going to try to prevent it. He wanted  his organization to have a completely clean record. In the NOI he was always doing stuff like writing books and things but the royalties always went to the NOI. So Malcolm had made nearly no money off of his time with them. He released this and knew that he had to start over and to begin to make money. But nearly anyone that heard of this was really willing to help him and give him some money. This always helped him but he couldn’t live on this his whole like so he decided that he would do something about it and to make profit some how he had to write many books and he made most all of his money off of this.  When he had really got his life kind of moving again after his split he went to Boston to talk to his sister Ell and he told her that he wanted to make the Hag. This Pilgrimage is one of the five requirements of being an Muslim. Malcolm’s Hajj was really a symbol of two things one his separation from that NOI and two the devotion he had for Islam. The NOI couldn’t make this trip because mostly anyone in this group was considered non Muslims by the Islamic officials and you are required to be considered a real Muslim to enter the holy city. And second most of them couldn’t afford the trip.
    On April 13,1964 Malcolm left with his family to go to Saudi Arabia where the city of Mecca is located. He made a few speeches on his way. He was amazed at how many people not only recognized him but really wanted to talk to him. In his speeches on the way to Saudi Arabia he announced that he was no longer under the restrictions of the NOI. But that the split had still been painful for him. He met a man on one of his flights that offered Malcolm to travel with him and a group to make the rest of the Hajj together. When Malcolm arrived he was rejected by the officials that you had to be allowed in by. He was put in a place to rest and was put in front of the high court the net morning. But the night that he was staying in the board houses he was very embarrassed because he didn’t know any of the rituals and prayers. When he went in front of the Mahgama Sharia, the high court, he was found to be a full Muslim. He was even told by the judge that he hoped that he would help to promote Muslim in America by preaching and teaching it. He was driven to Mecca and did every single ritual that was required to complete the Hajj.

    He spent some of the time he was in Saudi Arabia staying with King Fasal. Malcolm found himself very surprised at the number of people especially high profile people that wanted to talk to him and ask him questions. The thing that he really noticed in his trip to Mecca was the way that everyone got along white, black, every color. They found it weird that we couldn’t keep better peace. They would always ask why the blacks were treated so poorly. He really didn’t know what to say except our civilization hasn’t come to realize things to the extent that yours has. He says in his autobiography ”There were tens  of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. they were of all the colors, from blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and the non white.” After the Hajj Malcolms view on race completely changed. “ Part of Malcolm’s trust for these people , his growth, was his new willingness to accept blacks as individuals, understanding that some were race-conscious and fighters for human rights for all people, while others were busy emulating whites to the detriment of other blacks. But he knew he must change.”
Malcolm talking to King Fasal, the ruler of Saudi Arabia    Malcolm enjoying the sites on his hajj
at the time, while he is there on his Hajj

    Malcolm had had enemies from all over from different things that he had done. Mostly it was enemies that disagreed when he did the right thing. The NOI was continuously trying to kill him. They were trying to kill him for telling the truth of them and of other matters, not for lying. You already know all about the NOI but they were just the followers of Elijah Muhammad. They are also the following of which Malcolm used to be a part of. Malcolm had started another organization the Organization of African American Unity.
    There was a long awaited rally of this group on February 21.  Malcolm was planning on speaking here for many months before. He had been receiving many death threats lately and the word on the street was today was the day that Malcolm would be killed. It wasn’t the kind of rumor that you would broadcast it is the kind of thing that is solely whispered. He had always been threatened and had just dealt with it the threats had picked up quit largely in the resent weeks though. He even started keeping a loaded gun in his house for protection.
    The night before this rally his house was fire bombed. But he went on showing no fear he went on just as usual. He did according to people present seem a little easier to anger than usual he blew up just before the talk about 30 minutes before and forced everyone to leave the room but the all thought that this was just because of the usual stress had finally gotten to this great man. But none the less, at 3 o’clock his introduction began and at about 3:05 he came on stage and greeted the crowd with a Muslim greeting “As-salaam alaiken” and began speaking with a “brothers and sisters”. The audience was very quiet just at the sound of Malcolms voice and from his presence. As he was still beginning his speech a man suddenly stood up and yelled “get your hand out of my pocket”. There were angry words exchanged between the two.  Malcolm stepped from behind his podium and raised his hand to try to calm the two. Two of Malcolms many security guards charged at the men. They really couldn’t do anything else, they had been instructed by Malcolm not to carry any kind or sort of weapon. The man who began the disturbance with his yelling reached into his pocket and pulled something out. The crowd scattered and there were people all over yelling “watch out watch out”. There were a series of shots heard in rapid order then a loud boom. Every one was trying to run or to hide their children or wives. Malcolm’s wife Betty Shabazz  was in the front row covering her and Malcolms three children trying to shield them from anything that might harm them. But there was two men standing in front of the stage firing at Malcolm one with a pistol. There were two men firing from his right and his left. One of these men was using a sawed off shotgun. The guards and followers that worked for Malcolm were earlier instructed not to carry any for of a weapon and not to frisk anyone who entered the building but the disobeyed both frisking anyone who looked suspicious. And although most had followed the rules one of Malcolms guards, Reuben X didn’t and began firing back and although he didn’t do much he did hit one of the men that had began the disturbance in the leg. With people every where trying to escape and trying to get away from all of the gun shot were being interrupted by the police trying to enter. The police arrested one man that had a gun in his hand but that is the only one that they caught. In the midst of all this confusion there was a small crowd remaining on the stage surrounding the lifeless body. Betty Shabazz who had already broken into tears assuming the worst walked up to the lifelessly still body of her husband. With his head being cradled in the hands of a Chinese lady who had brought her son to see the speech. The shirt that was now drenched in blood was unbuttoned to see what really happened. What was seen caused the hands that were beginning to unbutton the shirt to jump backwards. As Malcolm was lying in a pool of his own blood drenched in his own blood, there was finally a effort to resuscitate him but it was way too little way too late.

    Malcolm X one of the greatest men in the world ever to live was dead. Just because he had expressed his very legitimate opinion and had come to odds with the wrong people. To me it really makes no sense to ever kill anyone for any reason but such an unfounded reason goes without saying this great man should have lived for many more years to spread the great idea’s and good intentions that he had. He should never have been killed he should have lived until the lord which he served so devoutly chose him to go.
This is Malcolm , right before his assassination, holding an automatic    This is a picture of Malcolm lying on the ground  after he was
riffle to defend himself and his family against anyone who tried to         shot
kill him.

Some Pictures to Remember-

             This is Malcolm Little at the age of 7
  These pictures are of two of the greatest minds and greatest speakers that ever lived.  Combined, they are nearly solely responsible for  not only leading, but beginning and promoting the Black Civil rights movement in America, and opening the eyes of people all over the world, to the travesties that blacks had suffered undeservingly for so long in America .
                                                       This is Malcolm in his most comfortable  state; speaking to the people
I leave you with this picture, not because of a deep found meaning, but because his excellent oratory skills, his great mind and will power are what made Malcolm famous and what allowed him to be one of two of the most influential and well know leaders and revolutionist in the Black Civil Rights movement