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It all started in English Class,
When the teacher moved me so others could pass.
My next seat was very lame,
because I was sitting near a girl with very little fame.
She was what I considered a nerd,
because that was all i had heard.
However when I went to sit down,
I did it without a frown.
Instead I just said hey and looked away,
like I didn't want to look at her today.
She returned the hi,
man she is not very shy.
So I make it my way to make her talk in class,
not just a little but everyday.
Turns out she is a hard worker so I decide to name her,
but it had to be something cool and not a bore.
My thoughts came to "Overachiever",
because she was a hard worker and believer.
Over the year we talked a bunch,
I couldn't believe she was more fun than lunch.
We talked about relationships, sex, marriage, school, and love,
I would never expect to talk about the above from a nerd,
So it turns out she just needed to be heard.
Well I grew a lot that year,
and was surprised that she had little fear.
It definitely taught me some things,
About OVERACHIEVERS not being lame.

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