D U N E .. R U M O R S

Many of you may hear a few rumors about Dune, and, although none of them may be true, sometimes it is comforting to think of them as true. This is especially accurate for the rumors that I will begin to compile on this page. Before you read on, you must keep in mind one simple fact: The following statements are all rumors, unless stated otherwise.

Current/Most Recent:

4. News has begun to circulate the leading Dune fanpages, as well as Dune's and DJ Raw's guestbooks concerning a potential future release of Dune's. The rumor is that Dune will be releasing a new single this upcoming May. Will this prove to be true? If so, will an album follow shortly thereafter? Only time will tell.
>>Although VIVA has since said that they never actually aired that bit of information about Dune, and neither Dune nor Orbit Records will reveal what exactly we can expect from Dune, it seems very likely that Dune is, in fact, working on new material, but we can not be sure as to if it is true, and, if so when it's release date is scheduled to be. Make sure to check www.dune.de or welcome.to/expedicion for updates!

Older Rumors:

3. Word has it that Verena released a new single, entitled "Ist Das Alles," which more or less would confirm that the split between Oliver and Verena is big enough that each are now going their separate ways.
>>This is just a rumor. The song is by a different Verena, one who appeared on the show, Big Brother. Any fan of Dune can clearly confirm this upon hearing the song. Different style, different voice.

2. A rumor that has began to circulate stating that the Reunion album had not been manufactured at the time of the Heaven incident, and that there is a possibility of it's release sometime in the future.
>>This did prove to be just a rumor. Reunion was never released. The group had, in fact, printed the album before the lawsuit was brought about, therefore preventing them, legally, from distributing the album.

1. There is a rumor going around that Dune(Oliver & Verena both), knew nothing of the fact that they didn't have legal permission to use Heaven. A story has started to circulate(I myself have seen it in two places), that what in fact happened was, one of the producers lied about obtaining legal permission to use the song, and that is why Dune used it. According to the story, they could never have expected all of this to happen, making the whole Heaven incident even more unfortunate than ever.
>>I, for one, believe this rumor. In the past, Oliver & Verena had covered songs(the 2 classical albums), and they knew about what needed to be done in order to use someone else's song. I believe they were lied to, and hopefully this information will become available in the near future.