1) You can only play one character.
2) Take this seriously.  No "I can do anythng"
3) Be realistic. If you get hit by 500 missles, you can't just dust It off without a scratch.
4) STICK TO THE STORY. This Is about the most important rule.You can add differant twists and turns If you want,but stick to the story.
5) You can only play one (Repeat: ONE) character. Now you may argue that I use more than one (Duo and Comet) that Is because,since the Webmaster,I thus have to be able to keep my eye on multiple teams. When there Is more than one team, I'll have to do that. Okay? Your character can have a few supporting characters such as family or friends.

Get It? Got It? Good.  Now onto the Cyber Emeralds.
The Cyber Emeralds create battle armor for It's owner. Since on this RPG,If you use a Cyber Emerald It has a certain power It goes by,use this as an example:

This list contains who currently has possesion of each emerald.
1) Speed Acorn (Fire)  2) Crystal Acorn (Water)  3) Basher Echidna (Earth)
4) Comet Prower (Wind) 5) Duo Prower (Lightining) 6) Mandy Treen-Acorn (Gravity)

These are the one taken by established characters.But here are the team members (So far)
7) Lone Wolf (Dark Fire)
8) Maric (Humanity)
9) Centuron (Illusion)
Now you don't have to have a Cyber Emerald,but trust me,It helps.
Duo Prower,Webmaster.