
Ruth means friend

Ruth was the name of a Moabite, (Ruth 1:4). Gensis 19:29-38, tells of the origin of the Moabite Nation and the origin of the Ammonite Nation.

In the Book of Ruth, we learn of her destiny to become a part of the family within the nation of which the Savior would come. Ruth was the Great Grandmother of King David. In Matthew 1:1-17, it gives the genealogy of Jesus.

Ruth's deep love for Naomi and her sincere desire to serve the God of Israel in association with His people enabled Ruth to leave her parents and native home to live with Naomi, look after her while at the same time, turning her back on the ungodliness of her childhood.

Ruth took on the positive quality of doing what she could, where she could, with what she had. She became a humble gleaner in the field of Boaz. She stood out as a positive person who joyfully did her work unashamed.

Her complete faith and trust in God calls out a lesson to us today. One we should emulate in our times of trouble. Let us ever remember and strive to have the attitude of faith we can learn from the life of Ruth.

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