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Welcome to Continental Lodge #287's Home Page. We Fraternally invite you to view our Communication and visit us on our regular meeting night.  We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at Grand Lodge, 71 West 23rd Street in the Renaissance Room on the 6th Floor at 7:30PM.  Our Brothers meet for dinner prior to the meetings. Check the Communication for location and feel free to join us..... Dutch of course!!
Be Well, God Bless and let our Brotherly Love Spread Around the World!!!

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Sign Our GuestBook

View Our GuestBook

If you are not already a member of our ancient & honorable fraternity, and would like additional information, please contact this Lodg or any  of our fraternity. Although we cannot directly solicit members, we will be pleased to respond to your interest by answering your questions and will gladly provide a petition at your request.



Lodges of the 5th Manhattan District 

Bunting Charity Lodge #727                         Chancellor Walworth  #271                      Caprenter-Emmanuel Lodge #588                       Continental Lodge #287       Girard Perfect Ashlar Lodge #604                        Scotia Lodge #634                             Willard Sylvan Grove Lodge #250                       Tabernacle Lodge #598 
True Craftsman's Lodge #651                                 Amity Lodge #323                               George Washington Lodge #285       









Carpenter-Emmanuel #588
(Empire Room, 12th fl)
Tabernacle #598
(Jacobean Room 8th fl)
Continental #287
(Renaissance Room, 6th Fl)
Scotia #634
(Doric Room 8th fl)
G Washington #285
(Jacobean Room 8th Fl)
SECOND WEEK 5th Manhattan Dist Assoc.
(Odd Months)
Willard Sylvan Grove #250
(Kismet Temple, Floral Pk)
Girard Perfect Ashlar #604
(Doric Room 8th fl)
Amity #323
(Corinthian Room 8th fl)
Bunting Charity #727
(Doric Room 8th fl)
THIRD WEEK   Carpenter-Emmanuel #588
(Empire Room, 12th fl)
True Craftsman's #651
(Renaissance Room 6th fl)
  G Washington #285
(Jacobean Room 8th Fl)
FOURTH WEEK   Chancellor Walworth #271
(Doric Room 8th fl)
    Bunting Charity #727
(Doric Room 8th fl)


Upcoming District Events


March 9th                                                   1st Degree Continental #287

March 14th                                                 5th Manhattan District Meeting

April 1st                                                       1st Degree Garabaldi (Grand Lodge Room)

April 6th                                                      Festive Board Continental #287

April 14th                                                    Table Lodge  Amity #323

May 2nd & 3rd                                           Grand Lodge Convention           

June 11th                                                    Mason of the Year Dinner

June 24th to 26th                                       St. John's Weekend






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