Rainbow Bridge Tribute
          For those of us who have lost a cherished friend it is hard to come to peace with the loss.  Our grief is often misunderstood by those who have never been fortunate enough to have experienced the sweet devotion and unfailing love of a pet.  This page is dedicated to those special pug babies who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge and who now wait to be reunited with their loved ones.  This page affords us the opportunity to share a special story of a beloved pet and honor their memory.  Each precious beloved pet memorialized here, if only for a few weeks.
To View Past Tributes:
If you would like to share a remberance of a pet waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge... in any form.. story or poem, please send me an email.
Gizmo had a wonderfully toothy smile.   I will always remember her smile.

           Gizmo was 8 years old when she came into my life, she was going to be put to sleep because she was old according to the people I got her from.  I didn't see her that way at all.  She was scared and unsure of her future.  It did not take her long to adjust to a new home and worm her way right into our hearts, she went everywhere with us.  She loved to go fishing and for walks.  Her most favorite thing to do was chase seagulls and dry seaweed leaves on the beach.  She especially loved to stay in Motel  rooms with us.  We loved her so.

          One night I was awakened by her little scream, she had a heart attack, so I took her to the doctor and he said she had congestive heart failure, he put her on medication, she survived another 6 months.  Gizmo died at the age of 12.  She was with me for 4 years, 5 months.  Best years of my life.  I was pugged in 1990.  I will meet Gizmo at the Rainbow Bridge.  We loved her so. 

Gizmo, we will see you at the Rainbow bridge.

Remember My Smile

Remember my smile as you think of me
because it is my smile you will always see
I am happy now and I am free to run
at the feet of god under the sun

You will have the memories of our love on Earth
and the memories of my smile

Cry not, because I am free, I no longer hurt
to run for many, many miles

Always remember my smile

Lois Nelson
(Gizmos mom)
Our dear Lois, aka fourpawsg, a long time member of A Pug Place shares with us the story of her beloved Gizmo, who loved to smell the roses and give toothy smiles.  Absolutely precious.