Welcome to Epiphany's Lair

Dante's Mary Magdalen

A place full of posibilities.

Greetings! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Epiphany.(*insert theatrical crash of thunder here*) My roles are many: student, teacher, writer, poet, philosopher, artist, singer, actress, muse, critic, "venerable font of wisdom" (which is an honorary title), collector of words & images and friend.

On my site you will find teaching ideas, poetry (both my own and other people's), short stories (same as previous), favorite quotes, book recomendations, useful/favorite links, my thoughts on life in general and prints of art/photography.

Meander here for long as you desire. If you want to use anything then feel free to e-mail me and let me know.

This page last updated: 7/11/2000.

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*Disclaimer: To anyone that these pages are linked to, has their work posted on these pages or images posted on these pages - please do not sue me. I am not making any profit out of this page whatsoever. I am also poor. If you have a definite grievance with having your stuff on this page, please write to me and I will remove it. Thank-you.