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REAL NAME: Theresa Josephson
AGE: 20
POWERS: Superhuman strength and endurance, tough skin, and an almost mystical sense of
danger initially. Later, gains the ability to increase her density to several times normal at will, but
the effort and her weight at increased density make it a power reserved for special opponents.
APPEARANCE: 5'10", 185 lbs, long, honey blonde hair, sky blue eyes. 40D-28-36. Costume is
a leotard, orange w/yellow highlights, orange thigh-high boots, and a thin yellow domino mask.
BACKGROUND: Unlike Michael, Theresa had no earth-shattering events in her background.
In fact, the only remotely amazing thing that had happened to Theresa was her change at puberty.
While most girls grow up, Theresa went from a frumpy, overweight little girl into a supermodel
very quickly. She never understood that this change was the sign of something more significant,
she just appreciated all of the male attention.
A life-long Texan, she entered the University of North Texas as a pre-med biology major, and
started working an internship at the Dallas Morning News in her spare time for extra money. She
still found time for a fairly active social life, and met Frank Wills, and they were soon dating. All
seemed right with the world.
Until one evening when the Ravagers gang assaulted them and killed Frank. In that fight, Terry
discovered her other mutant powers, and she set out to use them to revenge Frank's death.
However, she quickly discovered that she was not the only superhuman involved, and she joins up
with Michael Longstreet in order to survive and learn more about the world she finds herself in.
One aspect of Terry's powers is her sex drive. Using her strength makes her especially aroused,
and this leads to her and Michael quickly becoming bed partners, as well as super-hero partners.
At various points in their adventures, Terry is captured and raped. While she appears to have the
physical and emotional resilience to bounce back from these encounters, only time will tell if all of
the wounds are healed.