REAL NAME: Richard Puller

AGE: 26

POWERS: Superhuman strength and endurance, limited invulnerability, ability to grow up to forty feet in height.

APPEARANCE: 6'6", 240 lbs normally, George Strait-style clean and handsome; can

grow very big if he wants. Broad and stocky, but clearly muscular not fat. Light brown short

hair. Costume of dark purple and crimson boots and belt. Full head mask.


BACKGROUND: Richard Puller was a young electrical engineering graduate working night security at a Tetragenics biomedical research facility. Tetragenics was conducting highly advanced research using various rare types of radiation and their effects on the human body. Tetragenics assumed that thick lead would be sufficient shielding to those outside. They were wrong.

Over the course of two weeks, Rich's natural strength was enhanced to many times its normal level, and he became immune to normal harm. While his background tended towards the physical sciences, he was able to deduce what had happened to him, and he discovered his powers of growth through experimenting. A few in-home accidents such as crushed classes convinced him that he would need to be very careful using his strength, lest he hurt someone. Eschewing the life of a super hero, he settled into the lifestyle of a professional security systems consultant.

All of that changed when he rescued a young girl being attacked by her "boyfriend," and when he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with a demon. It took considerable effort for Michael to recruit Rich for the Guardians, but Rich had already fallen in love with Kat, although it was a more fatherly emotion at first. Rich has slowly gained confidence through his experiences with the Guardians, both in his relationship with Kat and with his powers in general. He is the team's anchor with his strength and his determination.

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