REAL NAME: Ray Walker

AGE: 21

POWERS:  Super speed, and a bio-energy drain (his Wraith power).  Wraith turns insubstantial and passes through his target, transferring their endurance and strength to him.  How much is drained depends somewhat on how much of his body he passes through the target.  He cannot drain non-human entities.

APPEARANCE:  6'2", medium build, short brown hair.  Costume is flat black, with light gray highlights and a full mask.


BACKGROUND:  Ray Walker was a normal boy growing up in Fort Worth.  In high school, he played baseball and basketball and flirted with the girls, especially Melissa Johnstone (see Aria).  During their freshman year, he noticed Melissa was becoming more and more withdrawn, but he didn't know why.  During his sophomore year, Ray began losing weight and feeling weak constantly, no matter how much he ate.  His parents feared leukemia or diabetes, but the doctors couldn't find anything.  Melissa came over to see him, and as he reached out to her, his hand passed directly through her.  As it did, Ray felt a rush of energy into him.  He started to try and cover up what happened, but Melissa told him of her strange 'hunger'.  Ray and Melissa quickly came to depend on each other.  

    Both Ray and Melissa were accepted to Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, and Ray majored in Business, until hera  exposed them to the Guardians.  

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