The Foundation

Chapter One: A New Threat


Eric Metcalf




Barbara Pennington shivered as the chill, night wind cut through her denim jacket. She was glad that she had thought to bring it. Although east Texas was known for its mild winters, it was also known for unpredictable weather year-round. Those mid-70s that her parents had told her about this afternoon had dropped considerably.

"I can't believe I didn't fill up before I left College Station," she muttered for the tenth time. Her Jeep Cherokee had run out of gas three miles back on the two-lane blacktop that passed for a highway through this rural area. She knew she was close to Tyler, but she hoped to find a farm before too much longer. Even walking around Texas A&M's campus didn't have her in good enough shape to go too many more miles.

Something moved just off the road ahead of her. Barbara jumped; few animals came close to the road, even at night. She didn't see any lights, but she knew she'd seen something big move. "Uh, is anyone there?" she called. "My car ran out of gas."

She heard some strange sounds; they weren't from any language she knew, but they also weren't animal noises. "Uh, hello?" she called again. "Is anybody there?"

She saw more movement ahead then she heard a squishing sound. A streamer of some white liquid came flying out of the darkness and splattered on her face. "Gross," she recoiled. Her revulsion melted away in a wave of warm comfort, like a really good buzz. She felt herself weaving on her feet, but she couldn't move. It was like her body decided to take a nap right there, standing up.

She managed to focus her eyes as two men walked up. Both were handsome; no, she thought vaguely, they're gorgeous. Easily over six feet tall, with broad, muscular chests, long hair, and perfect features. The fact that they were walking around in little more than metal suspenders and a codpiece didn't penetrate her foggy brain. She was too enraptured with the crystal blue eyes of the one who walked up to her and looked down into her eyes.

"You will come with us," he said in perfect, flawless English. Barbara nodded sleepily; she didn't have anything else to do. Besides, she wanted to be with these two gorgeous hunks. She let herself be led away, one man supporting each arm as she stumbled off the road.


The swept-wing jet Protector One descended on jets of flame into the underground hangar of the Guardians' base. A chill early December wind cut over the ground, but the plane's advanced controls compensated easily. The two passengers didn't even notice the gust.

The jet settled easily on its thin landing gear. The jets cut off, stopping the bone-rattling roar of jet thrust into a confined space. A door slid up in one wall near the Protector, admitting six people, three men and three women. All were wearing warm clothes, not the colorful costumes that they were best known for. A teenaged girl with red hair and a big man stood in front, his left arm easily holding her back.

A landing ramp extended out from under the Protector's forward door, telescoping to the ground as steps popped up from the main frame. The door swung upward a moment later, revealing a man and a woman. Both were heavily tanned, wearing only thin shirts and shorts. They walked down as the roof closed over the hanger with a low rattle.

"Mike, Terry," the girl said, charging forward.

"Good to see you too, Kat," Mike said, returning the girl's hug then moving past as she darted over to his wife. Mike walked over to the giant, who was grinning broadly. "Great to see you again, Rich."

"Damn you look good, boss," Rich replied. "That sun must have agreed with you."

Mike laughed. "A tropical island all to ourselves for a month does make for a great honeymoon. Sure is more conducive to tanning than this place." He glanced back. "Where are Techno and Wind Shear?"

"Manning the comm room," Rich said. "Jake's got a team in there constantly. Wouldn't even give them time off to greet y'all."

"That's Jake, all right," Mike said, moving back to the second group. "Good to see you again, Jake."

"I kept 'em alive for you, Mike," Jake replied, shaking his hand heartily. "Still good to have you back though."

"I want to hear everything," Lindsey said, stepping around Jake to hug Mike. "You guys must have had a great time."

"Sun and surf for a month," Mike replied. "Not much beyond that."

"Aren't you leaving out the third 's'?" Melissa said as she hugged Mike. "This was your honeymoon, after all."

Mike was glad he was so tanned; otherwise, he might have blushed a little. "I didn't think you needed any ideas, Melissa. Come on, let's get upstairs. Even with the roof closed, it's still damn cold down here with nothing but this on." The eight of them moved inside easily, laughing and joking.

The door led to a long passage down a white corridor, almost like a hospital. The corridor intersected another corridor, with a conference table and ten chairs sitting in the middle. Four posts ran from the ceiling to the corners of the floor around the chairs. Mike moved to the head of the table. Jake shrugged as he moved to Mike's right and Terry went to Mike's left. The others filled in most of the chairs, leaving two of them empty. When they were all around the table, Mike hit a button under the edge of the table and the floor lifted up, pushing them up to the floor above.

As they ascended, Mike could see the room above them. Television screens covered the walls that he could see; he knew the room was just about wrapped in monitors, with the largest monitor at the far wall from him. There was enough floor space left between the walls and the elevator for a person to stand. As they came up, he could see one person standing; Wind Shear, in her silver bodysuit.

"Hey, hermano," Techno said from behind Mike as they came up. "I was wondering when you'd get back with my chair."

"Good to see you too, Juan," Mike said, shaking his hand.

"You get down to old Mejico? You go to Cancun?" Techno asked. Although he was born and raised in Phoenix, Techno loved travelling in Mexico.

"Nah, stayed out in the Carib," Mike said. "It's good to see you again, Jinn," he said to Wind Shear.

Wind Shear bowed in reply. "It is very good to see you. I trust you are well rested."

Mike nodded. "Well rested and anxious to get back to work."

Terry shook her head. "He was cool for about a week, then I had to keep dragging him around to make him enjoy himself. He just wanted to get back here."

"Can't see why," Techno said. "Cold enough to freeze a guy's cohones off."

"Which is why I'm heading upstairs," Mike started to rise, but a loud beeping stopped him. Without thinking, he hit a control in front of him, activating the main monitor.

Brian Carpenter's face filled the screen, every line and scar of his life as a secret agent vividly displayed, along with his full head of gray hair. "Hey, Mike, looking good," Carpenter said.

Mike glanced down and shrugged. "You caught me on the way upstairs. What's up?"

"While you and Terry were away, the Guardians got into a few scrapes that convinced me that the team needed full-time medical and scientific talent." Mike groaned. "You know it as well as I do."

Mike shook his head. He didn't want non-members at the base, but he'd lost this fight a long time ago. "Who is he and when does he get here?"

"Doctor Thaddeus Stone. M.D.-PhD Johns Hopkins. He's one of the most brilliant minds out there in the biological sciences. One of the rooms in the basement has been converted into his lab, with full safeguards in case something nasty happens."

Mike shook his head as the doorbell rang. "I suppose that answers the when question," Mike said. "You're as slick as ever."

Brian smiled wider. "With you two married, I have to be. When you get him set up, and yourself dressed, I'll talk to you more."

"Thanks, Dad," Mike said. "Guardians out." He stood up. "Well, let's not keep the good doctor waiting."

Jake answered the door, to keep Mike from getting blasted by the wind. "Dr. Stone, I presume?"

Dr. Stone was about four inches shorter than Jake and quite a bit rounder. His deep-ebony face peered out from under a battered fedora and trenchcoat, although they appeared more rumpled than worn out. "Ah, yes, that's me."

"I'm Jake Pryor, come on in." Dr. Stone came in looking quite anxious and excited at the same time. He stammered a thank you as Terry took his coat and hat.

"I was told, ah, to ask for, ah,"

"Michael Longstreet," Mike said. "That would be me."

"Ah, yes, well, I'm your new team, ah, physician."

"I see. Jake is my second in command; he will show you to your lab. I will be down with you shortly."

"Ah, yes, ah, that would be great, thank you."

Jake took him by the shoulder and led him into the conference room. "This way, please."

As they passed by, Mike held up five fingers. He tucked them under as the team grinned and giggled. When Mike curled his fingers into a fist, they heard the table/elevator start down and a piercing shriek.

"I love doing that," Mike said. "Okay, back to your stations. We've had our fun with the doc. I imagine he'll be having his fun with us in the near future."


Mindstar, now in his costume, stepped through the open door into the storage area that had become Dr. Stone's lab. Mindstar kept up with medical technology enough to recognize the X-ray, MRI and CAT scan equipment at the far end of the room, and the numerous centrifuges and refrigerators placed on the numerous lab tables that filled the room. Dr. Stone was standing at one of the tables with his back to the door. Mindstar could feel his concentration and excitement easily. Reaching out, Mindstar saw through Stone's eyes. He was looking at the team roster.

Mindstar coughed slightly. "Should you be leaving the door open like this, Dr. Stone?"

Dr. Stone spun around, and his feet kept spinning on the slick tile. He grabbed the edge of the lab table desperately to keep from falling. "Oh, ah, Mindstar, yes, I'm sorry, ah, yes, I should keep the doors sealed when handling, ah, dangerous specimens, but, ah, I don't have anything of the sort at the moment."

"Are the facilities satisfactory?" Mindstar asked as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, ah, yes, quite satisfactory, although I'm, ah, curious why they're, ah, underground."

"No prying eyes, or ears," Mindstar replied. "Despite our state-of-the-art security measures, we are always concerned about surveillance. By keeping your lab underground with our training facilities and hangar, we can minimize the risk of anyone locating this lab and targeting it in an attack."

"I, ah, see," Stone replied, visibly shaken at the thought of being in a super-battle. "I, ah, need to examine your team, to build a medical baseline, yes, baseline in case of injury or infection."

Mindstar nodded. "Very well. But, remember, Doctor Stone, we are your patients, not your lab rats." Stone blanched at Mindstar's last words. "Remember," Mindstar continued, "I am a telepath, and I'm not the only one on the team. Also remember that this is confidential medical information; not research data to be published. Do you understand?"

Stone swallowed hard and nodded. "Ah, yes, I understand."

Mindstar nodded. "Good. You can start your examinations with me. If you do something that I think doesn't belong, I nix it here, rather than have you trying it on my team."

"That is, ah, acceptable," Stone replied. "Shall we, ah, begin?"

The late afternoon sun glared off of the patches of ice that still glittered in spots on Boston's sidewalks. The snow that had fallen last night had been shoveled or swept away, leaving only the stubborn ice, the bitter winds and the bare trees as indicators of the season. The streets were starting to get crowded with the first workers off for a weekend. The sidewalks were also starting to fill with people, each of them bundled deep in heavy coats to hold off the chill of the wind.

Three figures detach themselves from the flow in front of the First National Bank of Boston. The stone structure rises over them, but one ignores the imposing presence. Long, dark hair flows over the collar of his trench coat. His ice-blue eyes look at the doors, unimpressed with the grandeur of the place. He turns to the two girls, one on either side. Both are pretty in an emaciated way, with frozen smiles and eyes hungering.

"Are you gonna get us some?" the one on his left asks. He doesn't know their names, doesn't think they remember themselves.

"I'll just be a minute," he replies, his voice deep and rich. "I just need to pick up some cash, and then we'll have a real kickin' party. Plenty of goodies for everybody."

"Bitchin'," the other breathes.

He shakes loose of their arms like a dog shaking water off its back. They sway for a moment without his strength then clasp each other. He pushes the doors open with massive force, enough force to smash them into the walls with a loud crash. All eyes turn towards the doors, tired and bored tellers and harried patrons shrinking back in fear.

He sheds the trench coat with a loose gesture. Underneath, he wears a dark blue leotard stretched over his massive musculature and red boots. "I am Megadon," he announced in a bullhorn voice. "You can't stop me, so don't even bother." To prove his point, he glares at one of the tables in the lobby. Red beams leap from his eyes and burn into the table. The wood catches fire in a heartbeat, the table bursting into flames. Several patrons who had been huddling towards the table leapt back, shrieking. Sprinklers in the ceiling activated, spraying water over the bank floor. He snarled at the annoyance and proceeded to melt the sprinkler heads.

He strode over to one cashier who looked particularly frightened. "Hand it over." The woman nodded frantically and pulled out her cash box, holding it out to him.

"In sacks," he replied, "big ones." She pulled out a burlap sack and put the box in it. He took the sack and went to the next cashier, demanding her box as well. She started to reach down, but she stopped as she looked past his shoulder.

"Hold it right there, mister," a voice calls out from behind him. He turns slowly, nonchalantly. The voice belongs to a black man in a costume; a hero.

"Why do you have to do this?" he says. "I'll just beat you."

"You're cocky," the hero replied. "Put that bag down and walk away. Otherwise, you're in deep trouble."

He shakes his head. Why will they never learn? "All right," he said, "be that way. Your funeral." He lashes out with his heat vision, the blast throwing the hero out through the doors.

He turns back to the cashier. "Hurry it up. I don't have all day."


Mike leaned back, listening to the chair creak as he rubbed his temples. Even with Jake handling the routine stuff, a ton of paper had built up on his desk. Most of the stuff was reports of one type or another on things that had happened while he and Terry were on vacation. While he didn't need to do anything with them, he knew that he needed to read them. He'd been up here since Dr. Stone finished with him, and he wasn't anywhere close to through.

A hooting sound started up. Mike was out of his chair before he consciously realized that the sound was the alert signal. He smiled to himself as he bounded down the stairs. At least the month off hadn't dulled his reflexes.

Rich and Kat were already in the briefing room as Mike charged in. Terry and Juan came in just as Mike moved to the head of the table. Before Mike could say anything, Carpenter's face appeared on the main screen.

"We just got a meta-alert from Boston. The First National Bank tripped their alarm. The Minutemen are responding, but I want your alert team in the air as backup. From the first reports, we may need it."

Mike nodded. "Out gear's in the Protector. We'll be airborne in five minutes."

Carpenter nodded. "Go to it, Guardians."

Mike reached under the table and triggered the elevator. The floor dropped down, pulling them with it. Mike had to concentrate to keep from tapping his foot during the drop. Even if they weren't needed, the call to action was enough to get the adrenaline flowing. He fought to concentrate and to keep his mind focussed through the nervous energy.

Jake stepped out of Dr. Stone's office as the elevator touched down. "What's the situation?"

"Bank holdup in Boston. We're backing up the local team," Mike said as he started running for the hangar.

Jake looked after them, but he didn't start moving. "Good luck," he called. "Now we'll see if you're really back," he muttered to himself as the hangar door opened and he could hear the whine of the Protector's engines starting.


Megadon waded into the heroes. He didn't notice individuals; he just saw colors and struck. He didn't use his eye beams; his fists were enough. None of the heroes stood up under more than one or two punches. He felt ribs break, flesh bruise, and enemies fall under his fists. He was hit, but the shots barely hurt him. He could feel the little damage healing rapidly. The fight was over quickly.

Ignoring the tellers this time, he flew over the counter. He grabbed cash boxes as fast as he could run, sprinting by the tellers before they could do anything. In seconds, he had cleaned out every desk, with the boxes stashed into a spare sack. With both sacks in one hand, he flew out the door.

Red and blue lights flared at him from the ring of police cars outside the bank. He heard them yell at him, but he ignored them. He'd been shot before; it didn't even sting. Glancing around, he saw the two girls he'd come here with. They were huddling behind the cop cars, scared to death. He knew they weren't much in the guts department, but this was ridiculous. Still, he figured that, since he promised them a party, he'd better get them out of there.

The first gunshot roared as he took off. He felt the impact on his chest, but it felt like a tap, nothing more. He flew over the police line and managed to grab both girls at once by their collars. They shrieked as he pulled them up, easily flying around the nearest building.

"Wow, cool," one yelled. "We're flying."

"Yeah, bitchin," the other replied. "You get us loaded?"

"Oh yeah," he said. "We've got enough for plenty of blow and booze and all sorts of stuff. We'll be the life of the town tonight."

"Righteous," one says.


"We're in Logan's traffic pattern," the pilot said over the intercom. "Incoming call from Foundation HQ." The viewscreen on the bulkhead in front of Mindstar sprang to life, displaying Carpenter's familiar visage. He was not in a good mood.

"We've got trouble," he said simply. "Our team just got their asses handed to them. They couldn't give me an ID on the hostile, but he took them apart like they weren't even there. We've got three seriously wounded, one lightly wounded. The walking wounded is the team leader, Bunker. He's tough as concrete, but not that strong. He's waiting for you on site with Concord, the team mentalist."

"How much did he get away with?" Rich asked.

Carpenter shook his head. "Not much; he just went after the petty cash drawers up front. Didn't even glance at the safe, although he should have been able to take that apart easily."

"That's not real smart," Firemane said.

"Maybe, maybe not," Mindstar answered. "He could have just been looking for some quick cash. If he wasn't interested in hauling a bunch of stuff, the vault would be a bad idea."

"Maybe so," Carpenter replied. "I've fed the pilot the coordinates. You'll need to go straight in. The trail's cooling; don't let it get cold."

"I can handle that, senor," Techno answered. "Just get me close."

"You should get your chance in about two minutes," Carpenter replied. "Make me proud. Foundation out."

Mindstar unbuckled his seat belt and rose. "You heard the man. Two minutes to drop. On your feet."

They rose easily and smoothly. Mindstar could read the eagerness in Power Woman's eyes and in her body. Techno was also eager and anxious, although Mindstar thought that was more a product of whatever new invention he wanted to test out than of a desire for battle. Strongarm and Firemane moved with practiced, confident ease. Both knew that investigation would come before combat, and that they weren't much use at the investigation phase.

"One minute," the pilot announced.

"In the doors," Mindstar said. He let Power Woman pass him and then moved in behind her by the left door. Strongarm and Firemane took the right, with Techno falling in behind Mindstar. Mindstar noted that they'd gotten around to installing jump lights near the doors. The upper bulb came on and glowed red.

"Open the doors, Mindstar called." Power Woman and Strongarm easily pushed the doors open into the jetstream, forming pockets of calm air for them to jump out into.

The bright green, lower light came on as the red light winked out. "Go," Mindstar caled. He stepped forward, grabbing Power Woman in a full nelson hold and jumped out of the plane. He reached out with his mind and caught their descent, slowing them into level flight just as he heard Techno's boot jets cut in. Mindstar swooped down like a bird, Power Woman dangling below him, with Strongarm and Firemane beside and Techno above.

He picked out the bank immediately: the ring of parked police cars with flashing lights was the most visible clue. As he dropped closer, he could see the ring of spectators standing behind the police cars, watching the officers who were on the steps of the bank. Someone in the crowd looked up and shouted. "The Guardians!" Mindstar and team landed to loud applause from the crowd.

A bulky man with light gray skin in a dark jumpsuit and a black woman in a dark blue leotard walked up to them. "I'm Bunker, and this is Concord," the man said. His chest was wrapped in bandages, although they weren't stained.

"I'm Mindstar," Mike said. "How badly were you hurt?"

"Couple of busted ribs," Bunker replied. "I'll heal. I've got three more seriously wounded. This guy has a lot to answer for."

Mindstar started to ask about their opponent, but he could sense Techno's impatience. "Techno, why don't you check around inside? Strongarm, Firemane, go talk to the police officer in command, see if he's got any information."

"You got it," they chorused and jogged off.

"Give me your rundown on what happened, Bunker," Mindstar.

"We got a meta-alarm from the bank. We've got some low-level metas in town who pull stuff like this for kicks, so I figured it was no big deal. We responded as we could. Turned out this guy was tougher than we thought. He took us on as we came and kicked our asses. Strong, tough, fast. Not terribly skilled, but you don't need to be with that kind of power. I was the last one to get here; had the farthest to come. When I got here, the others were down except for Concord and that was only because she was messing with the guy with illusions. I charged in, took a shot to the ribs. He busted two with one punch. By the time I got my wind back, he was gone." He snorted. "Some team leader I turned out to be."

"Let me ask you one question," Mindstar said, his tone cold and hard. "If you could trade places with any one of your injured, knowing how badly their hurt, would you?"

Bunker glared at him, his eyes filled with menace. "Your damn right I would. What is this, some kind of test?"

Mindstar nodded. "In a way. And you passed with flying colors. As long as you're willing to do anything you order others to do, you'll be okay as a leader. Now, Concord, can you add anything to that?"

Concord shrugged. "A little. He called himself Megadon once. He's powerful, but not very smart. I was able to distract him pretty easily with some illusions. He thought he was fighting more of us, but he was just swinging at air. I thought he'd be tired out, but he still hit Bunker hard enough to break ribs, and that takes some doing. He flew back in the bank, grabbed two sacks, and flew out. On his way out, he grabbed two girls and flew off."

"Kidnapping?" Power Woman asked.

Concord shook her head. "I don't think so. It didn't feel right. They were scared, but not enough. It was like they were more scared of being picked up like that than they were of him, almost like they knew him."

Mindstar reached out for Strongarm's mind. "Ask about the two girls he carried off. Ask if they were here when the police arrived."

He felt Strongarm start at the contact, but Strongarm asked the question. "Yes, they were. Two females, both eighteen to twenty, looked like dopers. They were standing in front of the bank when the fracas started. One of the cops led them behind the cruiser line, and they stayed there until he busted out and grabbed them."

"I think you're right," Mindstar said. "The police say that the girls were here when they first showed up."

"How'd you know that?" Bunker asked. Mindstar just smiled. "Oh," Bunker replied, remembering what Mindstar's powers were. "Then why'd you ask me those questions? Why didn't you just probe my mind?"

Mindstar shook his head. "I don't do it unless I need to on friends. The team is used to it. Now, you go get those ribs looked at. I'll see what Techno's found."

As Mindstar and Power Woman turned to go into the bank, a man in a tattered trench coat started yelling from just outside the police line. "Ah, it's the great Guardians. They've come to save us from the evil meta. Ah, but who watches the watchers? Who makes sure that the Guardians are really as great as they claim?"

"Who is that?" Power Woman asked Bunker.

"We call him the Reverend," Bunker replied. He shook his head ruefully. "He shows up every time we deploy. You guys are just getting it because you're convenient."

"He shows up every time?" Mindstar asked.

Bunker nodded. "We think he's got some friends on the force who let him know when a meta-alert's been sounded. He's always there, razzing us. He never does anything more, so we can't touch him."

Mindstar snorted. "Welcome to the land of the free."

"And the home of the loud," Firemane said as she and Strongarm walked up. "Can't we shut him up or something?"

Mindstar shook his head. "Nope. But we don't have to stand here and listen. Come on, let's see if Techno's found anything inside."

Inside, they found Techno walking around the lobby holding a device. Mindstar started as he saw the device. "That's my energy signature locator," he said to Techno telepathically.

"Wondered when you'd notice," Techno thought in reply. "Boosted the processor power and storage capacity, so now I can scan for signature residues and track the meta. Varies with power level; I could probably track you for about six hours. I think I've got this guy locked, but give me another sec."

"Please don't touch anything," one of the detectives said, coming up to them. "I don't know what he's doing, he's just been walking around."

"He's scanning for the criminal's energy signature. Any metahuman has a specific energy signature. It's more like a pheremone than a fingerprint, since the metahuman leaves it anywhere he goes. Techno's scanning for the criminal's signature, and then he can track him down anywhere he goes."

The detective nodded. "Any idea where I can get one of those?"

"One of a kind, amigo," Techno said as he walked up. "Got him locked in. Where do we start?"

"The captain outside said that he hung a right at the first intersection," Firemane said. "What's about we fly the same route?"

"Can we walk?" Strongarm asked.

Mindstar chuckled. "Tired of being carried, big guy? Sorry, we need to take to the air, and that means,"

"I know, I know," Strongarm said, holding up his hands. He looked at Power Woman. "Ready to get carried?"

She shook her head. "No, not really, but we don't have a choice. Let's go."

As they walked out of the bank, the Reverend started up again. "Look at them. They flaunt their bodies. Such costumes are unseemly in such weather. Why would they wear them if they were not sinful?"

Mindstar felt Techno's anger rising, but he put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Don't," he said quietly. "Ignoring him hurts him worse than punching him out would."

Techno nodded. "I'm frio," he said. "But this pendejo better hope I never come to this town off-duty."

The crowd cheered again as Mindstar and Firemane lifted Power Woman and Strongarm into the air, but the cheering was quieter now, as if some of the onlookers had been swayed against the Guardians by the Reverend's rhetoric. Mindstar hoped that he was wrong, but he knew how easily mankind hated that which was different. He just prayed that the Reverend was an isolated case. If not, their job could get a whole lot harder. They would just have to catch this Megadon quickly and cleanly. That would be the best antidote for the Reverend's message of intolerance.


The sun had just set as he and the two girls swayed down the sidewalk. He knew the clubs didn't start jumping until later, but he wanted to party now. He had loaded up at a dealer he knew, so he was in the mood for a party and so were the girls.

"Where we goin'?" one asked.

He spotted the bouncer in front of the door. "Right up here." They swayed up to the mountain of muscle.

"Members only," the bouncer growled at them.

"I've got our membership cards right here," he said, pulling out a stack of twenty-dollar bills. The bouncer took the stack and fanned them, making sure that it wasn't blank paper under a couple of bills. Satisfied, the bouncer nodded.

"Oh, yeah," he said, handing over another stack of bills. "I'm in the mood for a real party, so this is for anyone else whose looking for a good time. If your boss doesn't like it, have him find me and we'll straighten it out."

The bouncer nodded. "Sure thing. You're out early."

He smiled. "Been a good day."

The bouncer smiled. "I heard about you. Go on in. Anybody wants to party, they're in too."

He smiled back. "You my bro. I treat my bros good." He pulled the two girls in with him. Inside the door was a set of stairs leading up, so up they went.


Mindstar fought a downdraft as they continued their search. After two hours in the air, his energy reserves were depleting fast. He just hoped that the trail was still warm enough for Techno to track.

"Got a signal," Techno said. "This one's hot; it may be him."

"Hey," Firemane called, "what's that down there?" She pointed down towards a row of three-story brownstone buildings. At the base of one building, Mindstar could see a long row of people extending back from the door.

"Looks like a club," Power Woman said.

"This early?" Strongarm replied. "I thought that clubs didn't get this busy until ten or eleven. It's not even seven yet."

Mindstar smiled. "It would if somebody big is partying hard. Techno, do you think your signal is from that building?"

Techno nodded. "Yeah, it's in there, all right. I'd bet my cojones."

"That's exactly what you're doing if you're wrong," Mindstar said. "Land across the street." He descended slowly, not wanting to drop too fast even though he could feel his energy draining. He just hoped that he had enough left for the fight he knew would happen.

Someone in the line had seen them start landing, so the whole line was gawking by the time they touched down. Mindstar led them across the street, ignoring a few motorists who rubbernecked.

The bouncer stood firmly in front of the open door. "Sorry. Members only."

Mindstar pulled his badge from its pocket at the small of his back and displayed it. "US Marshall. We have reason to believe that a wanted fugitive is inside this establishment. Stand aside."

The bouncer chuckled. He was a mountain of a man, easily six foot six and well over three hundred pounds. "I don't think so."

Mindstar shook his head. "Your choice." He focused his mind and his eyes began glowing bright orange. The bouncer suddenly found himself floating a few inches off of the ground.

"Hey, what the?" he stammered. "Put me down." He waved his hands uselessly as he floated away from the door. Once he was clear of the door, he dropped to the ground.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Mindstar said as he led the team inside. Several of the people in line started to rush in, but Strongarm, bringing up the rear, shook his head, and they stayed back.

The interior was dim, but Mindstar made out a set of stairs. "How far up?" he asked over the thumping sound of dance music played at tremendous volume.

Techno shrugged. "Hard to tell. Third floor, I think." Mindstar nodded and led them up the stairs.

As they reached the second floor landing, the air grew thick with smoke. At first, Mindstar thought there was a fire, but he recognized the smells. One was the acrid stench of cigarette smoke; the other was a sweet, cloying smell. The music was louder here, with some other sounds audible, but mostly it was just a beat with the power of a jackhammer.

"What is that?" Firemane asked as she wrinkled her nose.

"Weed," Techno said. "Must be a lot of joints to put that much in the air."

Mindstar tried to block out the smells. He was after Megadon, not a bunch of lightweight drug users. "Still higher?"

"Yeah," Techno replied. They ascended the steps. A few revelers stumbled onto the stairs, but Mindstar and Strongarm's fearsome miens convinced them to stay out of their way.

As they entered the third floor, a riot of color and sound assaulted their senses. A variety of lights cast beams of lights in all colors over the dance floor that made up most of the large room, while the speakers mounted on all of the walls blared out a thumping beat. The smoke that they'd smelled on the second floor landing was stronger here, along with the smell of stale, spilled beer. Mindstar could see a short bar across the room from them, with the DJ across the dance floor. He could also see some booths near the bar. Megadon would be there, holding court.

Mindstar motioned with his head and the team began to move across the dance floor. Mindstar erected his force field, which repelled any stray elbows or knees from the revelers. One looked back as they pushed by, but a glare from Mindstar's glowing eyes stopped any protest.

Medgadon was easy enough to spot, once they got through the dance floor crowd. He was sprawled in the back of a booth, with three girls on either side, several beer glasses on the table, a mirror with a dusting of cocaine in front of him, and two fat joints sizzling in an ashtray. Mindstar had to smile. This guy was probably stone sober despite all of that; he was just too tough to get wasted.

The girls, however, were very wasted, and they seemed to regard the Guardians as just more hallucinations, judging by the way they giggled as the Guardians approached. Megadon pulled himself up a little bit, but he didn't appear concerned as the Guardians fanned out in front of the booth.

"Megadon, I am placing you under arrest," Mindstar announced. "You have the right to remain silent,"

"And you have the right to get the fuck out of here before I smash you in half," Megadon roared, shoving himself to his feet. "Split now, or I'll break you like I did your little buds back at the bank."

"Wrong answer, asshole," Strongarm snarled. "You're in the big leagues now."

"Oh yeah, big guy?" Megadon said. "Let's dance." Megadon vaulted over the table and dove at Strongarm. Strongarm raised his hands and caught Megadon's fists in them. The girls at the table shrieked and giggled as Megadon pushed against Strongarm while his legs were on the table, knocking over the beer bottles and smashing the mirror.

Strongarm and Megadon strained against each other for several moments, but Strongarm began to gain the upper hand. Slowly, he pushed Megadon back, but he didn't lean forward. Rather, he let Mindstar have an opening. Mindstar took advantage by firing a blast of mental force that snapped Megadon back and smashed him flat against the table with his legs doubled under him.

"Give it up Megadon," Mindstar barked. "You can't beat all of us."

"Heroes," Megadon sneered as he pushed himself up. "Well, try this." He glared at the ceiling, firing beams of searing heat right into the wooden beams. They caught almost instantly and the fire began flowing outward as Megadon swept his gaze across the room.

"No," Power Woman yelled. She stepped in and snapped a jab into the side of Megadon's head. He flinched enough from the blow to close his eyes, but Mindstar could see that the fire was too well started.

"Too late," Mindstar said. "Power Woman, Firemane, Techno, get everybody out. This is just going to spread. Strongarm and I can handle him."

"But," Power Woman started to protest, but Megadon sat up with a roar and fired again, lighting off more of the ceiling. Some of the dancers saw the fire, but most seemed to think that it was just another effect.

"Move," Mindstar yelled. He turned back to Megadon and snapped him back with another mental punch.

"Come on," Power Woman yelled to Firemane and Techno and started pushing through the crowd to the door. "Techno, you get on the second floor and get people out. Firemane, stand at the bottom and make sure people don't get crushed right at the bottom. I'll get his floor."

"See you soon, hermana," Techno said, using the Spanish word for 'sister'.

"Don't wait too long," Firemane said. "This old building is going to be burning in minutes, even without Megadon firing any more."

"I know," Power Woman said. "I just hope Mike does. Now move it." They darted down the stairs.

Power Woman drew in a deep breath, trying not to choke on the smoke. "Listen to me," she yelled, "the building is on fire. You have to get out." A few people near her looked around and looked up at the ceiling, but they didn't seem convinced because no one else was leaving. The thumping beat of the music swallowed her words easily beyond a few feet.

Shaking her head, Power Woman dove into the crowd, pushing her way across to the DJ's platform. She ignored the shouts and curses and plowed her way to the DJ.

"What's up, baby?" he asked, looking her up and down.

"This place," she yelled, jumping up onto the platform. "As in burning up." She slapped the command deck, shutting down the pounding music. She grabbed the microphone as the first dancers started to protest. "That's real fire in the ceiling," she yelled. "Get out of here now."

"Oh, shit," the DJ said, as he looked up for the first time and saw the fire. He jumped off of the platform and started pushing his way through, heading for the door. That touched off the stampede. Power Woman jumped down from the platform and herded her way through the crowd, keeping anyone who fell from being trampled. The ceiling was starting to give way, and burning debris began to fall onto the floor. That added impetus to the flight.

Techno looked at the crowded floor and knew that he couldn't just yell. He triggered his boot jets and flew over to the DJ platform.

"Hey, homes, whazzup?" the DJ slurred.

"Some pendejo set a fire on the third floor," Techno replied. "Get me a live mike."

"Bullshit," the DJ said. "You got to do better than that."


Strongarm knocked Megadon back behind the table. "Give it up," he yelled.

"No," Megadon yelled in reply. "I'll never go to jail." He glared at the floor at Mindstar's feet, firing a blast of heat. The wooden floor burst into flame in a split second. Mindstar's force field shielded him from the blast and the heat, but the floor was barely strong enough anyway. The blast weakened it to the point of collapse.

"No," Strongarm yelled as the floor gave way. Megadon laughed maniacally.

Above a corner of the dance floor, the ceiling burst into flames, with burning wood dropping onto the dance floor. "Holy shit," the DJ yelled. He handed Techno a microphone and cut the music.

"Everybody clear out," Techno yelled, his voice blasting through the sound system. "The third floor's on fire. Clear out." He triggered his boot jets, flying over to the door to try and keep the flow orderly, especially as he saw the stairwell filling with people fleeing the third floor. He just hoped he had been wrong about seeing a familiar pair of dark blue boots in that flaming hole.

Megadon's laughter died as he saw Mindstar bobbing in the flaming hole in the floor. Mindstar floated up and landed on a more intact piece of floor a few inches away. However, that blast had started the floor going, and the ceiling fire had spread to the walls. The entire third floor was a riot of flames.

"You're out of time," Mindstar yelled. "Even you can't take this for much longer."

Megadon laughed. "I can take it for longer than you. Besides, you haven't saved everyone yet." Four of the girls had never fled the table; they just cowered under it. "You're almost out of time. The air here is pretty bad, and the floor is about to give way. You can fly, but they can't. Last choice, heroes. Bye." He flew up and broke through the burning ceiling, raining burning wood down onto the table.

"Dammit," Mindstar swore. He wanted to go after Megadon, but he knew what he had to do. His choice was no choice at all.

"Dump the table," he yelled to Strongarm. The roar of the flames was making normal speech impossible. Strongarm easily tossed the table aside, revealing the four girls cowering beneath it.

"Grab 'em," Mindstar yelled. He pulled one girl to him with each arm. Strongarm got the other two much easier.

"Mindstar," Power Woman yelled from the door. "The floor's going, and so are the stairs."

"Get out of here," Mindstar yelled. A large section of the dance floor fell away onto the second floor. He turned to his left. He knew that, beyond the flames, were two windows.

"Only way," Strongarm said. "On three."

Mindstar nodded. "One, two, three." They began running for the windows, each tucking the girls out of the way as they dashed into the flames.


Firemane was standing outside the door, shepherding the crush of people outside. Some smelled more and more of wood smoke, rather than the cigarette or marijuana varieties. She saw Power Woman and Techno pushing the last of the people down, but she had no idea what had happened to Mindstar or Strongarm.

With a shriek of sirens and air brakes, a fire truck pulled up behind her. "What's happening?" one of the firemen yelled.

"The same guy who busted into that bank this afternoon started a fire on the third floor. We've got just about everybody out, but two of ours are still in there."

She turned back to the building just in time to see two of the third story windows explode outward. In the gouts of flame, she could see human forms. She gasped as she saw Rich's bulky form and Mindstar, each holding two cowering girls. Rich slammed to the concrete with enough force to buckle the sidewalk, while Mindstar landed lighter, even if he couldn't stay on his feet.

Firemane ran to Strongarm as Power Woman took off for Mindstar. "Are you all right?" she cried.

Strongarm nodded. "I'm definitely medium, but I'm not well done yet," he coughed, panting in lungfulls of cold, clean air. "Are they okay?"

A fireman ran up to the two girls. "Some minor burns, probably smoke inhalation, but they'll be fine." He looked down at the concrete. "Damn."

"Did we get everyone out?" Mindstar asked between coughs.

Power Woman nodded. "I didn't see anybody left. Except Megadon."

Strongarm cursed. "He got away. Busted out through the roof."

"Darn," Firemane said, snapping her fingers. "All of this for nothing."

"Yeah," Mindstar said. "Come on. Let's let Boston's bravest do their thing. Our job's done.

"Mindstar," a voice called. Mindstar looked up right into a news camera light and a microphone shoved into his face. "Mindstar, what happened here? Why were the Guardians involved?"

"We were attempting to apprehend the suspect from the First National Bank robbery this afternoon, and he set fire to the club in order to escape. We were able to rescue all of the club goers, but Megadon was able to escape at the last minute. I'm afraid that's all I can tell you right now."

The reporters started in with a babble of questions, but Bunker moved in front of Mindstar and cut them off. "All right, you know the drill, you'll get your statements in the morning, so just back off." He turned away from them and back to Mindstar. "The van's right over there. Your plane's at Logan; Concord'll drive you there."

"Thanks, Bunker," Mindstar said, shaking his hand. "We owe you."

"You owe me for having to clean up this mess," he said, "but we wouldn't have gotten that close. We'll call you when he shows up again."

"He will," Mindstar replied. "He's a thriller; he can't stay away."

Bunker nodded. "What happened to the money?"

"Most of it went to coke, weed and booze, and probably a hefty bribe to the doorman. He may have some left, but I doubt it. Most probably did not burn up."

Bunker nodded. "Get out of here. You guys need some rest."

Mindstar nodded. "I'll second that motion." He waved the team over to the van. It was slab-sided like a delivery van, with logos on the side, but Mindstar remembered the battle van that Foundation One had used before the war, and he saw the same design here.

The team piled into the van, and Concord took off. "You guys look beat," she said.

"Yeah, and hungry," Strongarm grumbled. "We never ate dinner."

"I can get a line to your base," Concord said. "We can have them start you something."

"Yeah," Techno said. "Maybe some fajitas, grilled up hot and sizzling." He stopped as Mindstar and Strongarm turned and glared at him. "Or maybe some pasta."

Mindstar started laughing and the others joined in. Maybe they had lost their man this time, but they were still alive. In the end, that was what counted when facing a new threat.