Ground Forces Mecha Pilot Template  75 pts.

The phrase "mecha" entered Stellar Common many decades ago from a language on Terra.  The term refers to the humanoid power armor and giant robots that the Stellar Guard use for a multitude of combat roles. Power armor serves as heavy infantry, supporting light infantry and providing infantry support for robots and armor in situations where firepower and armor are at a premium.  The heavy robots provide massive and heavily armored weapons platforms that can go almost anywhere, and the free-wheeling cavalry Dragoons provide air cover and fast reactions.

Mecha are usually in the thick of combat, since they are the formations called in to break up stubborn resistance. While mecha units take a great deal of damage, the designs they use are sturdy enough to protect the pilot in all but extreme circumstances. As such, many pilots have had one or more mecha blown out from under them, only to heal up and fight again.

Mecha pilots do far less of their own maintenance than tankers do, since mecha are highly complex mechanisms, far more than even the finest tank. As such, mecha rarely operate too far from support forces for very long. However, the units are rugged enough to survive a considerable time without much maintenance, so operations are rarely handicapped by mecha needing to return to base.

Ground Forces Mecha pilots tend to be somewhere between tankers and space pilots : more free-wheeling and hard-charging than tankers, but less flamboyant than space pilots.   Still, mecha pilots see a great deal of media attention. However, most giant robots are piloted by crews, and power armor squads operate in close coordination. This requires a degree of coordination and cooperation unheard of in free-wheeling space squadrons. Mecha pilots have to work together very well, and do so often.

Attributes:  ST 10 [0], DX 12 [20], IQ 12 [20], HT 11 [10].

Advantages:  A total of 15 points chosen from:  Acceleration Tolerance [10], Alertness [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Fit [5], High Pain Threshold [10], Luck [15], 3D Spatial Sense [10], and Toughness (DR 1) [10].

Disadvantages:  A total of -20 points chosen from Bloodlust [-10], Callous [-6], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Fanaticism (Imperium) [-15], Intolerance (Nonmechanized soldiers) [-5], Impulsiveness [-10], Overconfidence [-10], Post Combat Shakes [-5], Selfish [-5], and Sense of Duty (comrades in arms) [-5].

Primary Skills:  Either Battlesuit/TL 12 or Driving/TL 12 (mecha) [8]-14, Gunner/TL 12 (energy cannon) [2]-14 and 1 of the following: Brawling [4]-14, Gunner/TL 12 (missile launcher) [4]-15, Pilot/TL 12 (mecha) [4]-13, and Judo or Karate [4]-12.

Secondary Skills:  Armory/TL 12 (vehicle weaponry) [1]-11, Electronics Operation/TL 12 (communications) [2]-12, Electronics Operation/TL 12 (sensors) [2]-12, First Aid/TL 12 [1]-12, Forward Observer/TL 12 [1]-11, Mechanic/TL 12 (robotics) [1]-11, and Tactics [2]-11.

Background Skills:  Driving/TL 12 (any) [1]-11, Savoir-Faire (military) [1]-12, and a total of 4 points in any of:  Beam Weapons/TL 12 (laser), Brawling, Camouflage, Carousing, Leadership, Navigation/TL 12, Orienteering/TL 12, Parchuting, Strategy; Survival (any),