Advantages: A total of 15 points spent on Combat Reflexes [15], Composed or Imperturbable [5 or 10], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit or Very Fit [5 or 15], High Pain Threshold [10], Reputation (Decorated) [varies], Toughness (DR 1) [10], and ST, DX or HT +1 [10].
Disadvantages: A total of -25 points chosen from Bloodlust [-10], Callous [-6], Chummy or Gregarious [-5 or -15], Code of Honor [-5 or -15], Fanaticism (Imperium) [-15], Intolerance (rebels) [-5], Overconfidence [-10], Sense of Duty [-5 to -15], and Workaholic [-5].
Primary Skills: Beam Weapons (lasers)/TL12 [2]-14, Savoir-Faire (military) [2]-12.
Secondary Skills: Armory (Beam weapons)/TL12 [2]-11, Camouflage [1]-11, Climbing [1]-11, Electronics Operation/TL12 (Communications) [2]-11, First Aid/TL 12 [1]-11, Hiking [2]-11, Orienteering [2]-11, NBC Warfare [2]-11, Survival (any) [1]-11, Throwing [1]-10.
Background Skills: A total of 2 points among any of Brawling, Cooking, Computer Operation/TL12, Carousing Driving/TL12 (any), additional First Aid, Forward Observer/TL12, Gambling, Knife, Leadership, Parachuting, Scrounging, Survival (any), Tactics.
Occupational Specialties: Choose one:
Admin/Supply Administration or Mechanic/TL 12 [6]-13, one of Computer Operation/TL 12, Cooking or Scrounging [4]-13, Driving/TL12 (heavy wheeled) or Piloting/TL 12 (contragrav) [2]-12 and another 2 points in background skills.
Medical A total of 14 points spent among Diagnosis, Surgery, and increasing First Aid. First Aid must be raised above 13.
Infantry Either Gunner/TL 12 (missile launcher) [4]-14 or Beam Weapons/TL 12 (flamer) [4]-15., any other Guns/TL 12 or Beam Weapons/TL 12 [2]-14, Tactics [4]-11, Stealth, [2]-12, and an additional 2 points in Beam Weapons/TL12 (lasers), raising it to 15.
Starting Equipment: Dress and casual uniforms, TL 12 military cybersuit with thermal superconducting armor and HUD helmet, implant communicator, basic kit and either a TL12 military X-ray laser rifle with 2 D-cells, TL 12 fusion rifle with 2 D-cells, or a M-LAWS launcher with brilliant missiles. Note that troopers trained in Missile Launcher can designate for the M-LAWS, even if they don't carry one themselves.