Space Forces Mecha Pilot Template  75 pts.

The mecha pilot is the descendant of the brash naval aviator of the twentieth century. Proud and cocky, they revel in the freedom of flying in space, able to maneuver as they wish through the heavens. In battle, they engage in daring maneuvers, trusting in their skills and their ships to pull them through. Whether stationed on a frigate, space station or carrier, they are often the terror of the crew, strutting around and pumping themselves up. Still, their exploits and bravery in battle are enough to win them friends among the ship's crew, even if they can't stand the pilots most of the time.

This template also includes the pilots of the more traditional Tomcat and Nightwing attack craft; in space, there is little difference in the skills necessary to fly a humanoid Starfire or the fighters.  While there is commonly good-natured rivalry among the different pilot types, they work together well enough in battle.

Attributes:  ST 10 [0], DX 12 [20], IQ 12 [20], HT 11 [10].

Advantages:  A total of 20 points chosen from the following:  Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense [5 or 10], Acceleration Tolerance [10], Acute Vision [2/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Charisma [5/level], Danger Sense [15] and Reputation (Decorated) [varies].

Disadvantages:  A total of -20 points chosen from:  Bloodlust [-10], Callous [-6], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Fanaticism (Imperium) [-15], Intolerance (ground troops) [-5], Impulsiveness [-10], Jealousy [-10], Loner [-5], Overconfidence or Glory Hound [-10 or -15], Sense of Duty (comrades in arms) [-5], Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills:  Piloting (mecha or space fighter) [8]-14, Gunner (energy cannon) [2]-14, Gunner (missile) [2]-14.

Secondary Skills:  Beam Weapons/TL 12 (neural) [1/2]-13, Computer Operation/TL 12 [1]-12, Electronics Operation/TL 12 (communications) [1]-11, Electronics Operation/TL 12 (sensors) [1]-11, Navigation [4]-12, and Savoir-Faire (military) [1/2]-11.

Background Skills:  A total of 5 points in any of:  Armory/TL 12 (vehicle weaponry), Astrogation, Beam Weapons/TL 12, Carousing, Forward Observer/TL 12, Free Fall/TL 12, Guns/TL 12, Gunner/TL 12,  Mechanic/TL 12 (any), No Landing Extraction, Piloting/TL 12 (any other), Photography, Survival (any), Tactics, and Vacc Suit.