Attributes: ST 10 [0], DX 12 [20], IQ 12 [20], HT 11 [10].
Advantages: A total of 20 points chosen from the following: Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense [5 or 10], Acceleration Tolerance [10], Acute Vision [2/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Charisma [5/level], Danger Sense [15] and Reputation (Decorated) [varies].
Disadvantages: A total of -20 points chosen from: Bloodlust [-10], Callous [-6], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Fanaticism (Imperium) [-15], Intolerance (ground troops) [-5], Impulsiveness [-10], Jealousy [-10], Loner [-5], Overconfidence or Glory Hound [-10 or -15], Sense of Duty (comrades in arms) [-5], Workaholic [-5].
Primary Skills: Piloting (mecha or space fighter) [8]-14, Gunner (energy cannon) [2]-14, Gunner (missile) [2]-14.
Secondary Skills: Beam Weapons/TL 12 (neural) [1/2]-13, Computer Operation/TL 12 [1]-12, Electronics Operation/TL 12 (communications) [1]-11, Electronics Operation/TL 12 (sensors) [1]-11, Navigation [4]-12, and Savoir-Faire (military) [1/2]-11.
Background Skills: A total of 5 points in any of: Armory/TL 12 (vehicle weaponry), Astrogation, Beam Weapons/TL 12, Carousing, Forward Observer/TL 12, Free Fall/TL 12, Guns/TL 12, Gunner/TL 12, Mechanic/TL 12 (any), No Landing Extraction, Piloting/TL 12 (any other), Photography, Survival (any), Tactics, and Vacc Suit.