You're too suave -
like gel shaving cream,
one of those pick-em-up
boys with underwear sticking out
of your pants longer than your Dick
Clarke's New Year's Eve show cool.
Right hair, right shoes, right
arrogant pick up lines.
Like you could ever fill my void
where prohibited.


Tight butt bike cops,
sitting on a rail
One fell off and broke his tail
One with a tommy gun
wants to start a rally
two sharing lullabyes
hiding in the alley.
What does the sargent have,
hidden in his wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
three bags full.

royal e's

I talked to Shakespeare today, and he talked like me. I asked him what was up with all those thee's and thou's and shalls and stuff. He told me that's how the Queen spoke and so his works had to be written for her Grace's understanding and ease of enjoyment. Oh.

royal o's

I talked to Queen Elizabeth I today, and she talked like me. Her chambermaid, however, sounded like something write out of Hamlet, and her Majesty was gracious enough to communicate with her in the same way for her better understanding. right.

overhead projections

At first it starts with my eyes, pulling what I want out of your head. When I feel your eyes begin to pull, gravity gently tugs at my nipples and the wind stirs the downy hairs on the back of my neck. My hands can already feel your flesh, though you sit 5 rows up and two seats to the right. You turn your head because embarassment looms under your blue jeans and red notebook. I return my gaze to the drone up front with the sides of my mouth twisted with the sweat and sour sauce taste of triumph.