This page covers a multitude of topics.  It can include anything from being addicted to illegal drugs, spousal abuse and co-dependencies to gambling.  None of these topics are easy to discuss, but when looked at from the Lord's viewpoint, all become false gods and idolatry.

       Okay, so how can this be.   We still believe in God and pray to him every day.   We still go to church and do things at church.   So how can these all be considered false gods and idolatry.   Throughout Scriptures, God refers to the fact that His people always commit adultery and fornication.  We, in our human thinking, make this to be adultery and fornication with other human beings.  But is this what God is really meaning?

       In the first commandment, God specifically says that we are to have no other gods before Him.  That we are to love Him, to trust Him, and to obey Him above all other gods.  We are to depend upon no other god than Him.  Now, let's go back to our addictions and dependencies.  When we're down, we get a quick fix to lift us up.  When we're stressed out, we get a fix to mellow us out.  When we hurt, we turn to those who have hurt us in the beginning.  When we are tired, we drink some coffee to wake us up.  When we are afraid, we take something to make the fear go away.  When we are uncomfortable with our life styles, we get involved in things that take our minds off of our life styles.  Yet, in all of these things, do we go to the Lord first?  NO!!!!!!   We use something else or someone else to fill the need we have.  So, in God's eyes, this is idolatry and in the Bible He calls it adultery because we are placing something or someone above Him.

       Is it easy to get rid of an addiction or dependency?  Is it easy to stop having an affair with another person's spouse?  Both are addictions and both are our idols.  So, how can we be released from these idols.  As with all things ungodly in our lives, the first thing to do is to repent of doing them and renounce our involvement with these idols.  Then by asking the Lord to forgive us of our sins in these matters and also asking Him to heal us so that we can be the person He wants us to be.

       In all of the other topics discussed in this site, there has been a question regarding asking the Lord to be the Lord of your life.  The same thing applies to this topic.  Can you honestly ask the Lord to forgive you and to heal you of this idolatry in your life?   Can you honestly ask the Lord to be number ONE in your life?  There is something else that so needs to be explained.  When we judge ourselves according to what God requires in the observance of the Law, we are completely lost.   There is no hope for anyone when the Law of God is used.   When we ask the Lord to be the Lord of our lives and to forgive us, we are also asking that we be washed with the blood of Jesus.  This is the only way we can become completely clean and free of sin in the Lord's eyes.   It is not by what we do or say. We can say we believe in Jesus all day long, but if we don't have this belief in our hearts and don't show this belief with out actions, then we are lying to God and to other people.  God wants us to be completely honest with Him.  He wants us to completely trust Him in everything we do and say and think.  He wants to be the God of our hearts, of our minds, and of our actions.  He wants to live, talk and do through us.  If we have other gods in the way, can He really show himself through us?  No he can't, but with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ washing us clean, we become the vehicle God can use.

       Is this hard to do?   No, not really, but it does mean surrendering our lives to God, and because we are human, many of us always end up doing, thinking, or saying as we should not.  It is much easier being a non-believer.  Then we just function without being accountable to God.  When we realize that we are accountable to God for the style of life we live, we realize that only death is that reward.

       In Jesus, there is no death, only hope.  That hope is not just for our present life, but for our eternal life.  When we truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of our life, that He is the living Son of the living God and that He died for our sins, and rose from the grave after being dead for three days, and sits at the right hand of God to come again, AND when we confess this with our mouth and show this confession with our lives, then we are members of God's family and will live with Him forever.

       Oh, our earthly bodies are to die, but our souls will never die.  When Christ returns, he will indeed raise those of His who are asleep in the dust of the earth.  These promises of His are true and faithful.  Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your soul.  Believe this with your heart and practice this love towards yourself and your neighbor.

       As with all the other pages, feel free to contact us at our email address.


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