HE IS:     Our Eternal Father, Jesus, Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Christ, Jesus Christ our Lord, Our Redeemer, Our Savior, Our Deliverer, The Holy One of Israel, The Great Counselor, Wonderful, The Mighty God, The Counselor, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The Creator of the Universe, The Alpha and Omega, The Almighty One, The Great I Am, Immanuel, The Judge of the living and the dead, Risen from the Dead, The Firstborn of all the Living, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Lord God Almighty, The Lord God our Provider, The Lord of Hosts, and so many other titles has this God of ours.

HE IS:     The God of the ancient Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

HE IS:     The great and mighty God who set this entire universe into place.

HE IS:    The great and wonderful God who established the flow of liquids that are inside the human body.

HE IS:    The ruler of the universe in that He is the one who established the orbits and set the planets, suns, moons, and stars in their places to be used by humans to set direction and times and seasons, and to give light to the earth.

HE IS:    The source of all other beings and has been from before the existence of the world.  There is no other God for every other god is the idea of a human and is in the image of a human or other form of creation.

       How can we know that there is a God?

       We can know that He exists from nature, for everything that exists is from him and bears witness to His existence.  We can know that there is a God from our own conscience because all societies have an inner urge to worship a Creator.  We can know God form reading the Holy Scriptures as found in the Holy Bible.  We can know God from our own hearts, for when we truly love someone, the love for that person is created in us by God Himself.

       One may ask a simple question like 'What is a god?' and be told that a god is something or someone viewed as a supreme force or entity that has great influence in our lives and requires reverence.  But when one asks a question like 'What is God?' we can only answer that God is a spirit.  That is a being that has a mind and will but no body.

       Since we are speaking about God the Almighty, we explain that

   HE IS:

   Eternal:              without a beginning or without an ending

   Unchangeable:  His ways and thoughts do not change from age to age, but
                              remain the same

   Omnipotent:      almighty and all powerful

   Omniscient:      all knowing

   Omnipresent:    present everywhere at all times, never absent

   Holy                   sinless, and hating sin and evil

   Just:                   fair and impartial

   Faithful:             keeping His promises

   Benevolent:       good, kind, desiring our best welfare, forgiving

   Merciful:            full of pity

   Gracious:           showing undeserved kindness, forgiving and forgetting

       Do all people worship the same God?  No, they don't.  The God we worship is the Triune God.  He is the only true God:   the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  This means that He is three distinct Persons in the one divine Being, or Essence.   That is why God is referred to as the Holy Trinity.

       How can these three divine Persons be distinguished from each other?  The Father has begotten the Son from all eternity; the Son is begotten of the Father from all eternity; and the Holy Spirit proceeds or emanates from the Father and the Son, again from all eternity.   The Father is ascribed with the work of Creation; the Son is ascribed with the work of our Redemption and Salvation; and the Holy Spirit is ascribed with the work of our Sanctification or Purification(Glorification).

       Can people have other gods or worship other gods?  Yes, they can.   Especially when they regard and worship any creature or entity as God.  When they fear, love, trust and obey any person or thing as God.  This can take the form of wind, rain, fire, values, virtues, cars, blothes, housing, abilities, talents, people, food, money, books, languages, or any of the many things money can buy.

       Now, going back to the original question.  Do you think it is possible for you to trust in this God of ours to provide for you?  Can you willingly put your entire life into God's hands and completely trust Him?  Would you like to do this?  Then contact us and let us help you learn how to do this.

       I also invite those who already believe and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to do the same.

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