Descendants of William Price (Revised June 2002) Generation No. 1 1. W ILLIAM1 PRICE1 was born July 24, 1797 in Virginia, and died December 1872. He married CATHERINE LONG. She was born December 1806 in Ireland, and died 1908 in Giles Co, VA.Notes for C ATHERINE LONG:Note from Eva Price Brockman: "Granny" Price came by ship from Ireland at 16 years of age. She never returned to Ireland. She lived to be 102 yers of age, as told by James William Price, her grandson; and according to the dates recorded in the Old Price Family Bible. This same Bible lists 9 children born to Catherine and William. (Ruby Cox Price has written that Mert Price who married Fred Spangler, Peterstown, W VA was possibly one of William and Catherine's children. However, there is no such reference in the Old Price Bible. I can recall Mert and Fred Spangler visiting my grandfather, George William Price at the old Price Family home in Rye Hollow, VA. They attended his funeral in 1950.) Ann Price has added this information about Mert Price. Her name was Myrtle "Mert" Thorn. Her mother was a Price. Perhaps she was the daughter of one of the above mentioned daughters. We do not know for sure. She was always referred to as "cousin" Mert. Children of W ILLIAM PRICE and CATHERINE LONG are:Generation No. 2 2. W ILLIAM HARRISON2 PRICE (WILLIAM1)2 was born May 12, 1840 in White Gate, VA, and died Unknown in Giles Co, VA. He married EMILY BRUCE June 16, 1870 in Giles Co, VA. She was born April 21, 1852 in White Gate, VA, and died February 12, 1875.Notes for W ILLIAM HARRISON PRICE:Notes from Eva Price Brockman: William Henry Harrison Price married Emily Bruce June 16, 1870. They had two children: George William Price and David "Elbert" Price. Elbert and George William's mother, Emily Bruce Price, died when Elbert was only 10 days old, due to complications of childbirth. His Aunt Jet and Uncle Dave, who were sister and brother to William Henry Harrison Price, raised Elbert. Neither Dave nor his sister, Jet, ever married. They lived in a house in Rye Hollow, VA on land, which was later owned by and referred to as the Odell Hudson property. I never saw the house, because it had burned years earlier, but the chimney continued to stand in the middle of a vegetable garden. I recall seeing the chimney in the late 1930~s and early 1940's.
Notes for E MILY BRUCE:Note from Beth Newell: Emily died from complications from childbirth. More About E MILY BRUCE:Cause of Death: Complications from childbirth. Fact 1: Dad's data showed the name as "Bruce" More About W ILLIAM PRICE and EMILY BRUCE:Marriage: June 16, 1870, Giles Co, VA Children of W ILLIAM PRICE and EMILY BRUCE are:Generation No. 3 3. G EORGE WILLIAM3 PRICE (WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1)3 was born April 09, 1872 in Giles Co, VA, and died June 27, 1950 in Rye Hollow, VA. He married (1) ELIZABETH EVANS GORDAN in Giles Co, VA. She died Unknown. He married (2) ELIZA ALLIE ANN CROYE4 January 11, 1894 in Giles Co, VA, daughter of JAMES CROYE and NANCY PETERS. She was born November 19, 1873 in Giles Co, VA, and died August 13, 1930.More About G EORGE WILLIAM PRICE:Burial: Unknown, Pleasant View Cemetary, Giles Co, VA Notes for E LIZABETH EVANS GORDAN:Note from Eva Price Brockman: George William Price married Elizabeth "Miss Lizzie" (also known to us as Granny) Evans Gordon on Nov. 3, 1931 after the death of Allie, his first wife. "Miss Lizzie" was the widow of Jim Gordon, and she never had children. She was the midwife for most of the families in the surrounding area for many, many years.
More About G EORGE PRICE and ELIZABETH GORDAN:Marriage: Giles Co, VA Notes for E LIZA ALLIE ANN CROYE:The following was told to Beth Brockman Newell by Frances Price Merrix: She was called Allie. She was paralyzed from 3/21/1929 until the time of her death. She had a stroke, and also had a brain tumor. Also of interest, Allie came from a "good" family. She was well-respected. She was particular and meticulous. She was a good cook and an excellent seamtress. She was not a kind person. She could be harsh. She was very pretty. She didn't encourage education. She was possessive of her children. Rumor had it that she caused the breakup of James William Price and Virginia Walters.
More About E LIZA ALLIE ANN CROYE:Burial: Unknown, Pleasant View Cemetary, Giles Co, VA More About G EORGE PRICE and ELIZA CROYE:Marriage: January 11, 1894, Giles Co, VA Children of G EORGE PRICE and ELIZA CROYE are:Generation No. 4 4. J AMES WILLIAM4 PRICE (GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born February 23, 1895 in Eggleston, VA5, and died March 01, 1975 in Pearisberg, VA. He married (1) VIRGINIA WALTERS May 27, 1919 in Virginia. She was born September 26, 1900 in Eggleston, VA, and died May 31, 1975 in Virginia. He married (2) RUBY EARLE COX Private, daughter of THOMAS COX and EVA KIRKMAN. She was born Private.Notes for J AMES WILLIAM PRICE:Note from Eva Price Brockman: Will suffered from severe hay fever in the spring and again in the fall. It affected him with many sinus infections, watery eyes to the point that many times water streamed down his face. He was about 5'8" and always somewhat overweight. He had dark curly hair and brown eyes. He loved honey and always had several beehives around. Many people stopped by our house in the fall of the year to buy honey from the "honey man". Will was a farmer, a barber, and an insurance salesman. He was 80 years of age when he died. His death certificate says that he died of congestive heart failure. In Will's later years, he developed diabetes that required daily insulin injections. In the year 1958, Will underwent surgery in his neck due to an aneurysm or coratid artery. Will, my dad, was 36 years old when I was born. I can never remember him as a young man. As I remember him, he always seemed old and sick. Will's eyes always seemed to protrude a bit, which indicated that he probably had a thyroid problem, although I do not recall that he was ever treated. The thyroid disease seems to have come from Will's mother's side of the family (Croy). Will had many problems with chronic neck pain. (Ann recalls that Dad's pain was neck, not back.) He made many trips to a chiropractor. In his later years he usually walked with a cane. Will was a very intelligent man. He completed the 10th grade and was accepted at V.P.I., Blacksburg, VA, but his parents were not big advocates of education and would not allow him to go. He was needed on the farm. Will was a domineering, harsh man with his family, a church going man (a charter member of First Christian Church of Pearisburg) and a "do-gooder" in the neighborhood.
More About J AMES PRICE and VIRGINIA WALTERS:Divorce: 1928 Marriage: May 27, 1919, Virginia More About J AMES PRICE and RUBY COX:Private-Begin: Private Children of J AMES PRICE and VIRGINIA WALTERS are:Children of J AMES PRICE and RUBY COX are:5. C HARLES WIRT4 PRICE (GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born April 26, 18985, and died March 15, 1945 in Pearisberg, VA. He married MAMIE O. STEPHENS August 25, 1919. She was born February 26, 1901, and died August 14, 1991.Notes for C HARLES WIRT PRICE:Note from Beth Newell: Went by his middle name - "Wirt". He was tall man. He was a fun person to be around. He worked for the Postal Service for years. He died very young. He was 47. The autopsy showed that at the time of his death his heart was very enlarged. More About C HARLES PRICE and MAMIE STEPHENS:Marriage: August 25, 1919 Children of C HARLES PRICE and MAMIE STEPHENS are:6. N ANNIE LOU4 PRICE (GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born July 07, 1907, and died May 12, 1982 in Ohio. She married EDGAR LOUIS ALT September 13, 1936. He was born March 04, 1906, and died March 10, 1975.Notes for N ANNIE LOU PRICE:Note from Beth Newell: Went by the name of "Nan. She was very family-oriented. She was a peace maker and wouldn't have missed this reunion for the world! Also of medical interest, Nan had a brain tumor which was surgically removed successfully.
More About E DGAR ALT and NANNIE PRICE:Marriage: September 13, 1936 Child of N ANNIE PRICE and EDGAR ALT is:7. W ADE CARTER4 PRICE (GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born March 23, 1911 in Pearisberg, Giles Co., VA, and died March 05, 1957 in Virginia. He married DOROTHY GORDON TICKLE September 27, 1933, daughter of JOHN TICKLE and JULIA AUSTIN. She was born August 31, 1917 in Pearisberg, Giles Co., VA, and died July 1982.More About W ADE PRICE and DOROTHY TICKLE:Marriage: September 27, 1933 Children of W ADE PRICE and DOROTHY TICKLE are:Generation No. 5 8. E RNEST B.5 PRICE (JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born June 19, 1920 in Rye Hollow, VA, and died July 04, 1955 in Radford, VA. He married (1) RUTH VIRGINIA WHITE POOLE. She was born September 12, 1922 in Rossmongne, OH, and died 1987 in Ohio. He married (2) MARIE WOODS Private. She was born Private.Notes for E RNEST B. PRICE:Notes from Eva Price Brockman: Ernest B was about 5'8" or 5'9". He had wavy black hair and soft brown (dreamy) eyes. He was a gentle, caring person with an easy laugh and a quick smile. After his mother (Virginia) left him, Ralph, and Frances; he spent most of his growing up years with his grandparents, the Walters. He did spend part of this time with my Granddaddy George Price, also. I really don't remember much about Ernest B actually living with us. As far as I know, he was in good health, except for the injuries sustained from accidents. He was first injured while in the army. He was doing mechanical maintenance on an army truck and was somehow pinned under the truck for a time. The more critical accident occurred when a train struck the car in which he was riding. After months in a coma, he regained consciousness, but never regained good health. He was left with a blood clot that did eventually move. He dropped dead instantly. ********************** David and Michael were adopted June 1947. The family who adopted David was Woodrum, according to notes taken from my mother's scrapbook. My mother, Ruby, met Mrs. Woodrum when she and another lady (Mrs. Black ?) came to take David and Michael home with them. Mrs. Woodrum was the wife of a minister, and lived in Atlanta, GA. David and Michael were adopted through the Atlanta, Georgia Christian Children's Home. Mr. Hayden Sublett, Pearisburg, VA (a member of the Christian Church and the editor of the local newspaper) was instrumental in affecting the adoption. Mrs. Black's husband was CEO of a steel mill somewhere in GA. Michael was born with a twisted foot and was in need of expensive medical help. His father, Ernest B, was financially and physically unable to provide these needs. Their mother, Ruth, left Pearisburg, VA with a man named Paul Hammons and to my knowledge has never been heard from again. Michael was less than a year old at this time. Our brother, Ralph, and his wife, Helen, were keeping Michael. David was living with us: my mother and dad, my two sisters, Becky and Ann, and myself. Ernest B had been in a very serious train accident sometime during the winter of 1945/46 and was forever physically impaired and told that he could drop dead at any time. This adoption was done out of genuine concern for the welfare of these darling little boys. They were so loved by all of us and we miss them to this day. It has been a long-term goal of mine to find them someday. *** They were found on May 13, 2000. In a letter written by Ann Price for Donna Louise Price Slagle, David and Michael's half-sister, dated March 11, 1991, Donna refers to a Rev. and Mrs. William Woodburn as the adoptive parents of David. They signed adoption papers in the Giles County courthouse, Pearisburg, VA on June 16, 1947. Donna included David's Ohio Birth Certificate #5759. See attached copy of this letter. (We know now that the adoptive parents for David were Woodburn; and the adoptive parents for Michael were Robertson. This is mentioned to correct the notes made by Ruby Price, which were honest and correct to the best of her knowledge. )
Notes for R UTH VIRGINIA WHITE POOLE:Note from Eva Price Brockman: Ruth was a red-haired, green-eyed beauty. She had a beautiful figure and a quick smile. She seemed to be a very caring, loving mother, as seen through the eyes of a 13-year old. Then one day she left Pearisburg with a man Paul Hammoms. I know nothing more about her. More About E RNEST PRICE and MARIE WOODS:Private-Begin: Private Children of E RNEST PRICE and RUTH POOLE are:Child of E RNEST PRICE and MARIE WOODS is:9. P AUL RALPH5 PRICE, SR. (JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born July 25, 1921 in Giles Co, VA, and died August 30, 1984 in Roanoke, VA. He married (1) PAULINE WOODYARD Private. She was born Private. He married (2) HELEN WOODYARD Abt. 1939 in Giles Co, VA. She was born March 25, 1919, and died July 25, 1968.Notes for P AUL RALPH PRICE, SR.:Note from Eva Price Brockman: Ralph was a real daredevil. He was a disruptive child in school and a real challenge to my mother and dad. There were many contributing factors. Although he was never diagnosed as such, from my teaching days, I am convinced that Ralph was dyslexic. Ralph was extremely hurt when his mother walked out on them. According to Ann Price, he told her that he went into the woods that day and cried and cried. He also made a promise to himself at that early age that no one would ever hurt him that much again. As an adult, I often thought of him as a tough exterior and a "teddy bear" on the inside. If he liked you, he would do anything and everything for you. He was very, very bright and bluffed his way through many difficult situations. He served time in the U S Navy during the second WW. He was a barber, and owned his own barber shop. Later on he remodeled it into a hair stylist unisex salon and became a very well known hair stylist. Ralph entered hair styling and cutting competition on many occasions. At one such competition in NY, he was the 2nd runner-up. He took a great deal of pride in his profession and provided financially for his family. Ralph lost his hair when he was quite young, so he wore a toupee. He was lean and full of energy. As time passed he developed severe varicose veins, perhaps because he stood on his feet for such long hours. Ann Price says that the tendency toward severe varicose veins comes from Virginia Walters family, Ralph's mother's side of the family. A surgeon at the Giles Memorial Hospital, Pearisburg, VA was a friend of Ralph's. Ralph finally decided to have surgery to try to relieve the varicose pain, and he insisted that this particular surgeon perform the surgery. The surgery was dreadfully unsuccessful, and after several lost hours he was taken to the Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, VA in an effort to save his life. He never regained consciousness and died before morning.
More About P AUL PRICE and PAULINE WOODYARD:Private-Begin: Private More About P AUL PRICE and HELEN WOODYARD:Divorce: Later Divorced Marriage: Abt. 1939, Giles Co, VA Children of P AUL PRICE and PAULINE WOODYARD are:Children of P AUL PRICE and HELEN WOODYARD are:10. M ARTHA FRANCES5 PRICE (JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born April 19, 1923, and died September 27, 2001. She married JOHN MERRIX, JR October 31, 1946 in Narrows, VA. He was born November 30, 1921 in Giles Co, VA, and died March 13, 1997 in Petersburg, VA.More About J OHN MERRIX and MARTHA PRICE:Marriage: October 31, 1946, Narrows, VA Child of M ARTHA PRICE and JOHN MERRIX is:11. E VA MAE5 PRICE (JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married GREY BROCKMAN Private, son of FRANK BROCKMAN and VERNIE DAVIES. He was born Private.More About G REY BROCKMAN and EVA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Children of E VA PRICE and GREY BROCKMAN are:12. A LLIE ANN5 PRICE (JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married HAROLD EUGENE PRICE Private. He was born Private.More About H AROLD PRICE and ALLIE PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Children of A LLIE PRICE and HAROLD PRICE are:13. R EBECCA JANE5 PRICE (JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married EDWARD DORSEY ROUNDTREE Private, son of T. ROUNDTREE and CLEO. He was born Private.More About E DWARD ROUNDTREE and REBECCA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Children of R EBECCA PRICE and EDWARD ROUNDTREE are:14. J UANITA RUTH5 PRICE (CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born December 24, 1920, and died January 23, 1996. She married ENNIS SHORT February 01, 1940. He was born May 01, 1916, and died April 16, 1990.More About J UANITA RUTH PRICE:Cause of Death: Alzheimer's Disease More About E NNIS SHORT and JUANITA PRICE:Marriage: February 01, 1940 Children of J UANITA PRICE and ENNIS SHORT are:15. C ARROLL L.5 PRICE (CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married SYLVIA MAE RISNER Private. She was born Private.More About C ARROLL PRICE and SYLVIA RISNER:Private-Begin: Private Children of C ARROLL PRICE and SYLVIA RISNER are:16. J AMES EDGAR5 ALT (NANNIE LOU4 PRICE, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married VIRGINIA L. VOTH Private. She was born Private.More About J AMES ALT and VIRGINIA VOTH:Private-Begin: Private Children of J AMES ALT and VIRGINIA VOTH are:17. B ARBARA JEAN5 PRICE (WADE CARTER4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married (1) OTIS KEITH SQUIRES Private. He was born February 10, 1933 in Parcoal, WV, and died April 08, 1971 in Asheville, NC. She married (2) RANDOLPH OTHAR PHILLIPS Private. He was born Private. She married (3) BRUCE MCKAY BUCKNER Private. He was born Private.More About O TIS SQUIRES and BARBARA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private More About R ANDOLPH PHILLIPS and BARBARA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private More About B RUCE BUCKNER and BARBARA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Child of B ARBARA PRICE and OTIS SQUIRES is:18. C LARA JOYCE5 PRICE (WADE CARTER4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born December 23, 1935 in Pearisberg, Giles Co., VA, and died December 09, 1982 in Lebanon, TN. She married DONALD EDWARD BISHOP Private, son of CLARENCE BISHOP and MAE PRATT. He was born Private.More About D ONALD BISHOP and CLARA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Children of C LARA PRICE and DONALD BISHOP are:Generation No. 6 19. D AVID WILSON6 WOODBURN (ERNEST B.5 PRICE, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married LINDA YVONNE YONGUE Private. She was born Private.More About D AVID WOODBURN and LINDA YONGUE:Private-Begin: Private Children of D AVID WOODBURN and LINDA YONGUE are:20. M ICHAEL6 ROBERTSON (ERNEST B.5 PRICE, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married NORMA BIBB Private. She was born Private.More About M ICHAEL ROBERTSON and NORMA BIBB:Private-Begin: Private Children of M ICHAEL ROBERTSON and NORMA BIBB are:21. D ONNA LOUISE6 PRICE (ERNEST B.5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married GARY SLAGLE Private. He was born Private.More About G ARY SLAGLE and DONNA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Children of D ONNA PRICE and GARY SLAGLE are:22. S ANDRA PAULETTE6 PRICE (PAUL RALPH5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married (1) SHANE LUCAS Private. He was born Private. She married (2) KEVIN HUGHES Private. He was born Private.More About S HANE LUCAS and SANDRA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private More About K EVIN HUGHES and SANDRA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Child of S ANDRA PRICE and SHANE LUCAS is:Children of S ANDRA PRICE and KEVIN HUGHES are:23. G EORGE RILEY6 PRICE (PAUL RALPH5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married CAROL DOWDY Private. She was born Private.More About G EORGE PRICE and CAROL DOWDY:Private-Begin: Private Children of G EORGE PRICE and CAROL DOWDY are:24. P AUL RALPH6 PRICE, JR. (PAUL RALPH5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married (1) PAULINE "POLLY" WOODYARD Private. She was born Private. He married (2) HELEN TATE Private. She was born Private.More About P AUL PRICE and PAULINE WOODYARD:Private-Begin: Private More About P AUL PRICE and HELEN TATE:Private-Begin: Private Children of P AUL PRICE and PAULINE WOODYARD are:Children of P AUL PRICE and HELEN TATE are:25. B ETH DAWN6 BROCKMAN (EVA MAE5 PRICE, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married RICHARD PAUL NEWELL, JR. Private, son of RICHARD NEWELL and MARY BALDASSARE. He was born Private.More About R ICHARD NEWELL and BETH BROCKMAN:Private-Begin: Private Children of B ETH BROCKMAN and RICHARD NEWELL are:26. R ANDALL GREY6 BROCKMAN (EVA MAE5 PRICE, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married CYNTHIA MICHELE FANG Private. She was born Private.More About R ANDALL BROCKMAN and CYNTHIA FANG:Private-Begin: Private Children of R ANDALL BROCKMAN and CYNTHIA FANG are:27. T IMOTHY HAROLD6 PRICE (ALLIE ANN5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married CASEY CANNON Private. She was born Private.More About T IMOTHY PRICE and CASEY CANNON:Private-Begin: Private Children of T IMOTHY PRICE and CASEY CANNON are:28. P AMELA DEE6 ROUNDTREE (REBECCA JANE5 PRICE, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married WILLIAM STUART BURNS Private. He was born Private.More About W ILLIAM BURNS and PAMELA ROUNDTREE:Private-Begin: Private Children of P AMELA ROUNDTREE and WILLIAM BURNS are:29. E NNIS6 SHORT, JR. (JUANITA RUTH5 PRICE, CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married CHRISTINE "PEGGY" BARNETT Private. She was born Private.More About E NNIS SHORT and CHRISTINE BARNETT:Private-Begin: Private Child of E NNIS SHORT and CHRISTINE BARNETT is:30. D ELORES6 SHORT (JUANITA RUTH5 PRICE, CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married (1) BERNARD NEELY Private. He was born Private. She married (2) ERNEST LONG Private. He was born Private.More About B ERNARD NEELY and DELORES SHORT:Private-Begin: Private More About E RNEST LONG and DELORES SHORT:Private-Begin: Private Children of D ELORES SHORT and BERNARD NEELY are:31. D AVID6 SHORT (JUANITA RUTH5 PRICE, CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married JEANNIE SARVER Private. She was born Private.More About D AVID SHORT and JEANNIE SARVER:Private-Begin: Private Child of D AVID SHORT and JEANNIE SARVER is:32. E LIZABETH ANN6 PRICE (CARROLL L.5, CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married BILLY STEVE MCCRARY Private. He was born Private.More About B ILLY MCCRARY and ELIZABETH PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Children of E LIZABETH PRICE and BILLY MCCRARY are:33. D WAYNE KEITH6 SQUIRES (BARBARA JEAN5 PRICE, WADE CARTER4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married PENNY MARIE NICHOLS Private. She was born Private.More About D WAYNE SQUIRES and PENNY NICHOLS:Private-Begin: Private Children of D WAYNE SQUIRES and PENNY NICHOLS are:34. D EBRA LYNN6 BISHOP (CLARA JOYCE5 PRICE, WADE CARTER4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married GEORGE DOUGLAS NOTGRASS Private. He was born Private.More About G EORGE NOTGRASS and DEBRA BISHOP:Private-Begin: Private Children of D EBRA BISHOP and GEORGE NOTGRASS are:35. G ERALD WADE6 BISHOP (CLARA JOYCE5 PRICE, WADE CARTER4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married JOANNE WILLIAMS Private. She was born Private.More About G ERALD BISHOP and JOANNE WILLIAMS:Private-Begin: Private Children of G ERALD BISHOP and JOANNE WILLIAMS are:Generation No. 7 36. A SHLEY LYNN7 WOODBURN (DAVID WILSON6, ERNEST B.5 PRICE, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married STEPHEN ARIS Private. He was born December 12, 1977, and died June 2000.More About S TEPHEN ARIS and ASHLEY WOODBURN:Private-Begin: Private Children of A SHLEY WOODBURN and STEPHEN ARIS are:37. R HON7 PRICE (GEORGE RILEY6, PAUL RALPH5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married CAROL WALKER Private. She was born Private.More About R HON PRICE and CAROL WALKER:Private-Begin: Private Child of R HON PRICE and CAROL WALKER is:38. S ANDRA PAULETTE7 PRICE (PAUL RALPH6, PAUL RALPH5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married (1) SHANE LUCAS Private. He was born Private. She married (2) KEVIN HUGES Private. He was born Private.More About S HANE LUCAS and SANDRA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private More About K EVIN HUGES and SANDRA PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Child of S ANDRA PRICE and SHANE LUCAS is:Children of S ANDRA PRICE and KEVIN HUGES are:39. C URTIS7 PRICE (PAUL RALPH6, PAUL RALPH5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. He married DENISE MUCHLER Private. She was born Private.More About C URTIS PRICE and DENISE MUCHLER:Private-Begin: Private Child of C URTIS PRICE and DENISE MUCHLER is:40. D ENISE7 PRICE (PAUL RALPH6, PAUL RALPH5, JAMES WILLIAM4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married RICHARD TIMME Private. He was born Private.More About R ICHARD TIMME and DENISE PRICE:Private-Begin: Private Child of D ENISE PRICE and RICHARD TIMME is:41. C YNTHIA RAE7 NEELY (DELORES6 SHORT, JUANITA RUTH5 PRICE, CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private. She married RANDY SMITH Private. He was born Private.More About R ANDY SMITH and CYNTHIA NEELY:Private-Begin: Private Children of C YNTHIA NEELY and RANDY SMITH are:42. R EBECCA ANN7 MCCRARY (ELIZABETH ANN6 PRICE, CARROLL L.5, CHARLES WIRT4, GEORGE WILLIAM3, WILLIAM HARRISON2, WILLIAM1) was born Private.Child of R EBECCA ANN MCCRARY is:Endnotes 1. 1850 Census for Virginia, Giles Co.; ED #20; Family 803, Thelma & Betty could be incorrect names. Census too light to read. 2. 1880 Census for Virginia, Giles Co.; ED #34; Sheet #46, WHH was a farmer and his wife was a housekeeper. T. A. J. Bratten age 11 and W. I. Bratten age 8 were stepsons. 3. 1920 Census for Virginia, Giles Co.; ED 35: Sheet 2, George was a farmer. Family had 2 daughter-in-laws staying with them: Virginia F. b. 1900; Mamie O. b. 1901. 4. 1900 Census for Virginia, Giles Co.; ED #24; Sheet 2, Allie is listed as Eliza. They have been married for 6 years. 5. 1900 Census for Virginia, Giles Co.; ED #24; Sheet 2. |