Franny's Place

All : )
I'm Franny and this
is my site on the web.
This will be "Franny's Place" to share my thoughts and information on
my "Darling, Molloy, Baird, Lay, etc" .
Please "Bookmark" this page or any of my pages you so choose and
return often to check on my progress since 1998.
Well here it is 2005, I have grown somewhat from Home page and Links page.
As of Monday 1/19/2004 I have 288 pages on my sites, they include
genealogy, photos, family, friends, special pages, ect. Check them out. If you
find anything that needs corrected, please let me know ASP. I am now and have been
for sometime able to help others build web pages, I enjoy that Very Much.. Working in
Frontpage98 and PSP5/6/ sometimes 7 is really exciting to me and lots of fun learning what
all those programs can do.. So So Much to still learn though, still don't know what all
the buttons do but I am working on it..
Thank You, Franny
: )
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and DHC- Down-Home-Chatter Lists Owner
Thank You!!! Franny : )

I Enjoy reading
your comments by signing Franny's guestbook, and see who all visited this site. I really
aprreciate the time you take in doing so. I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon.
Thank You!!!

Site Created 10/9/1998
FDM 2005
Vivaldi Font
Rose" Click for Lyrics