We all have important values and ideas,
things we care about and want to share.
Sometimes we feel our ideas
can even change the world,
and we want to let other people know
they can join in and help
change the lives of others.
Do you have something to offer those
who have talents, dreams and/or
with no means to fully utilize them
or make them come true?
(Maybe this will Help)
"4,700+ mile Powered Parachute Journey"
Would you like to be
involved, in some way,
with helping others live out their
Handicap, Terminally ill, Volunteer
Searchand Rescue
Organizations, etc...
How many doors could you help
Whether it would be by becoming
a team member of Freedom Road
contributions that would
help Freedom Road stay active
or or just offering ideas of
ways to help others.
Read on and see where your mind takes
"Nothing Happens
Unless First A Dream."
Freedom Road is looking to form
clubs, teams and oganizations
that will work together and form
a National or maybe even International
that can make a difference for those
in "NEED"
across the country or around
the world.
read on and contact us
if there are any
areas that may interest you. .
Please keep in mind,
you can also help
by forwarding this
to other potential
participants, contributors or sponsors
that you may be
aquatinted with.
However, Please,
do NOT forward this
to others that
you are not aquatinted with
or familiar with.
We don't want
this site to be classified
or looked at
as being in the (SPAM) category.
Freedom Road is now searching for team members
to prepare and participate
in a Powered Parachute project
that will be highly publicized
and recognized throughout the country.
Necessary qualifications for project participation are:
some, a 5 to 6 month commitment;
(For final preparation and completion
of the cross country journey.) Morally and Ethically sound. Seeking at least one Trainee with interest
becoming a full-time PPC Flight Instructor.
(No experience necessary.) Seeking at least one Chase Team Driver(s).
(MUST have acceptable driving record.)
A systematic plan of action has already been devised
and is ready for active preparation.
Additional help will be necessary
to organize the crucial steps involved
for a project of this magnitude.
Safety and FAA rules/regulations will take Top Priority
in all matters involving this project.
This PPC project will cover approx. 4,700
(Four Thousand Seven Hundred) miles
of unbroken point to point flight.
(Unbroken by trailer relocation)
This journey currently has 130 charted stops
with over 70 backup landing locations if needed.
The charted course has been carefully routed according to:
Wind history and direction. Air space
regulations. (general and military) Around Indian Reservations
accept where written approval will be provided. Additional research on controversial challenges,
according to the charted flight path,
are still in progress. Although this journey will shatter
and set many PPC records,
PLEASE understand that records and record recognition
would be appreciated but will NOT
be our focus or concern.
Organized strategies for
numerous possible occurring situations
have already been well thought out,
however additional thoughts
or possibilities concerning safety
are always welcome. Our Purpose: Purpose #1: To learn, understand and train at least one
other person, to become familiar with all national flying conditions as well as various types of terrain. Our end result is
with the intent of becoming a Nationally known, experienced and qualified Traveling Flight Instructor(s) for all PPC owners
dealers and manufactures. In hopes that one-day all who are seeking proper training, but live to far away from a
qualified instructor, can receive QUALITY training at normal regional charges. Additional traveling expenses will hopefully
come from funds received through a PPC Division of Freedom Road "S.A.F.E." (Scholarship And Fundraising Exposure). called
Freedom Road "F.L.I.G.H.T." (For Legal Instruction Get Honored Training). Purpose #2: To Nationally and even Internationally
educate everyone with interest in Powered Parachute Flight. The most beneficial area to funnel this central educational center
with everything you would ever need to find out about PPCs, will be the Internet. (Available World Wide) Offering
info. On Safety, Aviation Regulations, PPC Mfg., Dealers, Training, Opportunities, Statistics, Happenings, Events, Records,etc.
Some sites cover most of this already, however our purpose will be to direct National or WORLD AWARENESS to an Existing
web-site interested in taking on this major happening, ( OR to seek a source ) that would like to create a New Exclusive PPC
Website if an existing site is not found. (For those that may have interest only in the Internet aspect of this letter; This
cross country journey will continue as a point to point ground tour. The ground tour is expected to continue indefinitely
Nationwide for scheduled training purposes, while at the same time continuing to provide Scholarship
And Fundraising Exposure
for organizations accepted by Freedom Road S.A.F.E..
Appearances and public notifications will be organized for various stop points while in route to scheduled training destinations
Nation Wide.) If you are interested in Taking on and Managing or Creating an Exclusive Site for this project and its
developments or maybe to enhance your existing site, E-mail your interest with the subject labeled as "Web-site interest"
to: flyfreedomroad@yahoo.com .
Systematic plans, based on proper timing with media sources, have already been thought
out and organized. Detailed strategies have been put together for the charted route involving; Local Newspapers, Select
Radio Stations, Local Television Stations, Several Specific Cable Channels, Numerous Magazines, TV Talk Shows and more Strategies
to utilize these sources were carefully organized to immediately attract and HOLD the attention of the media, the general
public and the Internet. This attention is expected to remain consistent throughout the entire 3 to 4 month PPC journey. It
is also our intent to focus this spotlight of attention on;
The Importance of Safety. Respect to the Public, Nature
and Other Sources of Aviation. Regulation Awareness. (PPC and Aviation) Media sources will be notified ONLY by Freedom
Road Team Members. Our pre-planned Media Notification System is estimated to generate;
Immediate local attention.
Regional attention within 3 to 5 days. National attention within 7 to 10 days weather permitting. (SAFETY Will
NOT be jeprodized to meet these estimated timelines.) Setting an example of "Safety" will be our number one focus throughout
this journey.
Purpose #3: Will be to offer massive exposure, at no charge, for legitimate Scholarships & Fund-raisers
through our travels. This will also include posting their information on our web-site with web-links to their site if one
exists. Applicants will be screened and required to qualify according to standards and guidelines set by Freedom Road S.A.F.E..
It may be necessary to form a special committee for this purpose alone. ( If you have interest or are willing to offer assistance
in this area, please E-mail us with your subject noted as: "S.A.F.E. committee" to: flyfreedomroad@yahoo.com .
Travel expenses for Freedom Road will be solely relied
upon by donations sent to our Freedom Road S.A.F.E. fund-raiser. A reputable bank will be chosen to handle all fund-raiser
transactions for Freedom Road. The bank chosen and the necessary information to donate to will be advertised and publicized
on all means of communication utilized by Freedom Road S.A.F.E.. Sponsorships by localized companies and major corporations
can also offer their much-needed assistance by donating to our fund-raiser as well. All who help fund our cause will be recognized
throughout our journey as well as on our web-site. We will personally distribute Literature Handouts, Logo Exposure, throughout
the journey, insert a logo w/statement on our web-site AND include a link to their web-site. ( If you are interested in sponsoring
or donating to this fund-raising cause, please E-mail us with your subject noted as: "Possible Sponsor / Donation"
to: flyfreedomroad@yahoo.com . We will contact you with additional information and inform you of the nearest bank location
handling our fund-raiser. Scholarships and Fund-raisers, promoted by Freedom Road S.A.F.E., will
be required to provide name and location of (A BANK) handling their cause "BEFORE exposure of their cause
will be reviewed or considered."
It is expected that this venture will generate a massive increase
to current PPC related businesses as well as open the door for many new PPC business opportunities. If you currently have
a PPC related business, and would like to be listed as a donating sponsor or a major provider in this journey, Please E-mail
us at: flyfreedomroad@yahoo.com and note your subject as "PPC related business." Please list any items, thoughts or ideas
in detail. If we have not already acquired items you may list, we will contact you to confirm and make arrangements to finalize
the necessary steps.(Freedom Road S.A.F.E.) will publicly document, on the Internet, all factors considered that determine
our decision to continue or delay each point to point departure. This will give the ASC, EAA and the FAA the opportunity
to comment on the judgment calls we make and to offer their view of our decision making process, if desired. Any educational
input by these well-respected authorities, approval or constructive criticism would also serve as educational, by example,
to all that view or look back on this documentation, via the Internet. This would also demonstrate their awareness and the
willingness to help educate the potentially new and SAFETY MINDED PILOTS. Freedom Road understands and will rightfully accept
responsibility for all decisions made on this journey.
The Powered Parachute is said to be the safest means of flight
and even though all decisions WILL be made with Safety First, there is ALWAYS the possibility that something could go wrong.
This is also a fact that can't be denied and should not be overlooked on this journey. There will be no doubt what so ever,
on our behalf, that with Safety First, this 4,700 mile journey can and will be a safe one. But in respect to the possibility
that anything should go wrong, it also should be looked at as a positive educational happening. Simply because it is vitally
important for anyone interested in this sport to know that if Safety is overlooked, not only could they be hurt or fatally
injured, but the reputation of the Powered Parachute Industry will be effected as well.
Undoubtedly this journey will
provide the opportunity for all who are interested in Powered Parachutes to learn the difference between what IS safe and
what Is NOT safe. It is our hope that this kind of "educational publicity" will discourage any irresponsible actions by present
and future PPC Pilots. This source of unified educational information will also help serve in protecting the reputation of
our sport. With this journey, the public will also learn the (proper) channels available to report PPC Pilots that could jeopardize
the reputation of the sport we love so much. Knowing the proper channels would be beneficial for everyone because many local
law enforcement officers aren't familiar with aviation regulations and must redirect or pass on reports for actions to be
taken. Possibly resulting in inaccurate or incomplete information.
With proper preparation, teamwork
and respect for all elements and factors,
it would be hard to look at this project
as anything other than positive.
you live to fly or love to drive, and think you may qualify for the participating positions available, please E-mail us at:
flyfreedomroad@yahoo.com and note the subject line as "Driving or Flight Training." If your
interest and goal is in becoming an AFI or CFI, please list Your: Age, Height, Weight, Sex and why you feel that you would
be the Best candidate if you were chosen to participate in this venture.
And remember.
A minimum 5 to 6 month commitment
for those interested in the journey.
those who never thought they would Fly. or those that Truly NEED Help
through Scholarships or Fund-raisers. With Our Teamwork
We can make Their Dream Work.
Thank you for taking the time
to look over this search notification.
We're looking forward to hearing
from you.
Until then Best Regards, Dennis