Hello folks! My name is Brenda, but in ICQ I am known as Lady Blue. I have lived in North Carolina all of my life, and I am proud to be a "Tar Heel". I am a Police Officer for Guilford Technical Community College. My primary goals in life are to end Child Abuse and Domestic Violence, and someday to teach women's self defense. When I have some free time (yeah, right!) I love going camping and fishing, walking mountain trails, target shooting, or anything that takes me outdoors. I love to travel, and enjoy seeing places I have never been before. When I must be inside, I love to roller skate, and play with the computer. I enjoy chatting on ICQ and have met people from all over the world in there.

I am a Domestic Violence survivor. I was verbally, emotionally, and physically abused for more years than I want to admit to. Like so many women just like me, I had no clue what Domestic Violence was. I had no knowledge of the cycle of violence, and was totally unaware of the warning signs. Once I finally realized what was happening, like so many, I too thought I could change him, or that it would stop. The harsh reality of it all was that it was never going to stop... just get worse.

Because of my Martial Arts training, there was no serious physical injury as I was able to defend myself. However I did endure a tremendous amount of verbal and emotional abuse. His intention, like all abusers, was to destroy my self esteem. He did NOT succeed. He came close... but in the end, he lost that battle. Finally, after a potentially deadly incident, I woke up and found the courage to fight back, and to take back my life. I finally realized that no one could stop what was happening to me but me. I further realized that if I did not get out of the situation NOW, one of us was going to get seriously hurt or killed. I will not pretend that it was easy, or that the going did not get tough, but I made it through, and so can you. NO ONE has the right to abuse another human being. You do NOT have to stay and take the abuse! Although you may feel that you are "trapped" in the relationship, there IS a way out! There is help out there for EVERYONE who is being abused... male or female.

If you are in an abusive relationship, and want to get out but do not know how, or if you do not want to leave, but you want to know how to be safer within the relationship, please visit my Domestic Violence web page and check it out. You will find information there that will help you whether you choose to stay or leave. Whichever path you choose, I hope the information contained within the page will be of some help to you.

He Loves Me

As I cruise through town in my old black and white
I think about victims from a domestic fight
The kicking, the biting, the pounding, they say
But the memory's erased come the big court day.

He loves me she says, as she started to cry
I know he didn't mean it, when he blackened my eye
It's all my fault, I deserve it, I do
Don't look at my back, for it's all black and blue.

Tomorrow we will wake, and sober he'll be
And the love that we share will flow soft and free
For our children we'll make it, never falling apart
The love that we share, it comes from the heart.

If it happens again I will leave him you'll see
But again came and went, now look at me
First crutches then stitches, a cast here and there
Now please don't arrest him, for that's truly unfair.

Then suddenly it happens, the fight if you will
He's punching and stabbing, for him it's a thrill
The warmth that I'm feeling, what is it I ask
Don't talk they tell me, just breathe through this mask.

When finally I realize, It's my legs I can't feel
At the hospital he gives me that "I love you spiel"
The doctor now sighs with a grim look in his eye
Don't take me my Lord, for I'm to young to die.

If this sounds too familiar, and really hits home
Come forward I ask, for you're not alone.

Deputy Mike Coon
Central Michigan

Do you see yourself in any part of the poem above?
Don't know what to do or where to turn? Been there...
done that. If you want to talk to someone who has felt
what you are feeling and has got through it and past
it, please send me a message on ICQ. My UIN is 3541383.
I don't claim to have all the answers, but I do know
where you can find most of them.

In memory of all Law Enforcement Officers who
made the Ultimate Sacirfice in order to defend
and protect Victims of Domestic Violence.
Please click the image above and read their stories.

(Click on the candle)
This candle burns for all victims and survivors of Domestic Violence.
If your web page contains information about Domestic Violence,
please put it on your page too.


I Am A Proud Member Of:

Survivors Against Domestic Violence
Survivors Against Domestic Violence

I Am A Proud Member Of:

The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal The Official Seal Of The Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domestic Violence
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

LinkExchange Member