SpaceGodzilla: Hey, y’all! Ebirah: Weeeeeeee’re baaaaaaack! SpaceGodzilla: Yep, and this time we’re gonna’ actually try to get in a REAL review Ebirah: Yes siree, I finally made that Spacie give up his killing instincts SpaceGodzilla: Naw, Tony just gave me $10 for some peace and quiet for once Ebirah: Yeesh! Don’t tell ‘em! My mom’s watching! SpaceGodzilla: Yeah, well, so are my accountants… Ebirah: All’s you ever think of is money, money, money SpaceGodzilla: No, I think of certain presidents and treasurers, too Ebirah: Ugh…. Well, anyways, folks, today we are reviewing a favorite of ours SpaceGodzilla: GODZILLA VS. KING GHIDORAH!!!!! Ebirah: Yep, and, as any movie-respecting G-fan should know, it’s the one from 1991 SpaceGodzilla: And today, we have 3 special guests Ebirah: Okay, Gorosaurus, CUE THE DORATS! (Goro comes in with a heavy, steel cage marked ‘This side up,’ pointing down) Gorosaurus: There, that’ll be $20 Ebirah: $20?! Gorosaurus: Why do you repeat what I say? I could go to Taco Belch for that! SpaceGodzilla: Here’s the dough, now scram, Sam! Gorosaurus: You’re lucky that my hearing aid needs batteries… Ebirah: Oh my GOSH! Did you just PAY for that?!?!?! SpaceGodzilla: Yep. (Halo shines overhead) Ebirah: Maybe I misjudged you after all these years! SpaceGodzilla: ….Maybe….. (SpaceGodzilla hides Ebirah’s wallet behind the couch) Ebirah: Okay, as you probally know, the synopses here aren’t that accurate, or very long for that matter, but here’s how it starts out SpaceGodzilla: UFOs are being seen over Tokyo (Wow, that’s a new one) Ebirah: And the Government finds one out in the mountains SpaceGodzilla: These aliens say “Take me to your Liberal” so they go to Rush Limbagh Ebirah: Ugh…. Anyway, they warn Japan of a future attack of Godzilla SpaceGodzilla: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN! Ebirah: But in this attack, the G-man actually DESTROYS all of Japan SpaceGodzilla: Who’d-a guessed… Ebirah: So they set up a team to go with the aliens back in time to stop Godzilla from being mutated SpaceGodzilla: Yep, but you forgot about that scene where they show Godzillasaurus trashing the Americ….. Ebirah: SHHHH! This show is sponsored by American companies, you dolt! SpaceGodzilla: OK, that’s it! (Ebirah watches in horror as Spacie rips the $10 bill in half) Ebirah: THE HORROR! THE HORROR! SpaceGodzilla: Ain’t NO amount of money gonna’ save ya’! Ebirah: What about a Ben Franklin? SpaceGodzilla: Nah, you didn’t have anything higher than a Lincoln in your wallet Ebirah: D’oh!…….waaaaait a minute!!! (Screams of agony and pain heard in the background as they both beat each other into the pavement) Gorosaurus: Hey, you two, watch out for that box there…. SpaceGodzilla: Huh? What bo….. (Spacie trips Ebirah into the box, revealing 3 cut little dorats) Ebirah: Aww…aren’t they CUUUUTE! SpaceGodzilla: Nope (A dorat bites into Spacie’s foot) SpaceGodzilla: AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!!! Ebirah: Wow, they sure have large fangs for little things like them Gorosaurus: Want I should get the third-aid kit? SpaceGodzilla: (Holding breath) No…I’m fine. Just a flesh wound Ebirah: No kidding, I’ve never seen so much flesh in one little mouth! Gorosaurus: Oh, now the rest feel left out… they missed out on a meal Ebirah: Oh, there’s plenty more left on that foot alone, DIG IN, GUYS! SpaceGodzilla: NO, NO, NO! AAUUGGGHH! STOP IT! GET THEM OFF! YOOOW! Ebirah: Ok, back to the story… Gorosaurus: So the aliens stop Godzillasaurus from being mutated, but leave 3 small souvenirs behind Dorats: US! (Chomp, chomp, snarl, gulp, burp) Ebirah: It’s not until we get back to the future that we find out that they aren’t actually aliens… SpaceGodzilla: THEY’RE MENACES! HORRIBLE! BLOODTHIRSTY! Gorosaurus: No….. they’re humans from the future who want to stop Japan from becoming a world superpower in their future Ebirah: I think he meant our little guests, Goro Gorosaurus: Oh well… Ebirah: And instead of Godzilla getting mutated, the 3 dorats turned into one monster… Gorosaurus: Hey, I’m gonna’ go cook up some popcorn in the microwave SpaceGodzilla: So what was the monster? Ebirah: Don’t you know? It’s really not THAT hard to figure out… SpaceGodzilla: Hey… since when do popcorn bags have 3 sets of tails in them? Ebirah: Getting into the Cracker Jacks business? Anyway, the monster is….. SpaceGodzilla: KING GHIDORAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Ebirah: Wow, I thought that you didn’t know it! (Microwave bursts open, and KingG comes out, grabs Spacie, and flies out the window) Ebirah: Oh… Gorosaurus: Man! They put too much potassium in these bags now-a-days! SpaceGodzilla: (Faintly heard as he drifts away) Heeeeelp! Save me! Saa…… Ebirah: He sounds like he’s in pain Gorosaurus: Oh, it’ll drop him sooner or later…. My guess would be right around those sharp, jagged rocks in the cactus farm SpaceGodzilla: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (CCCCCRRUUUNNNCCCCHHH!) Ebirah: Yep, right on the dot… And wouldn’t ya’ know it, he’s right next door to Minya’s fun farm Gorosaurus: Woo… modern conveniences like microwavable dorats are what make this world livable! Ebirah: Well, to some monsters, yes Gorosaurus: Okay, time to wrap this one up! Ebirah: And look, King Ghidorah has returned to help us with the review! Ghidorah: Yeah, whatever. I just came for the sign that says “free lobster, all you can eat” Gorosaurus: Is THAT why Spacie wanted wanted with the banner Ebirah: (Shaking) Uhm…uhh… and tooo finishhhh the review… Ghidorah: I’ll bring in my ol’ buddy, the android M11! (Ghidorah grabs Ebirah and heads toward the Nutcracker shop before flying over Minya’s Fun Farm) M11: Well, Godzilla manages to get mutated by an atomic sub after all Gorosaurus: And he saves Japan from King Ghidorah M11: Yet, he is now 100 meters tall, and has an even WORSE agitation toward Japan Gorosaurus: And also forgets to wash out his toothpaste when fighting Ghidorah… M11: Stupid mortal… anyway, so Godzilla is now about to destroy Tokyo Gorosaurus: Stupid mechanical!…. Anyway, one of the time travlers goes back to the future and finds King Ghidorah’s body M11: And from that point, Ghidorah gets a metal body added on, as well as a new name Gorosaurus: Mecha KING GHIDORAH! DUN DUN DUUUUUN! (They hear a knock on the door, and Goro answers it, only to find yet another android) Arnold: I said I’d be baaack M11: This is highly illogical Gorosaurus: Okay, so we have the terminator and a futuristic robot… interesting Arnold: I must prove to my incompetent fellow android that I am the best futuristic robot! M11: Yeah…. Come get some! (BOOM, POW, BLAST, KAAABOOW, KERSPLAT) Gorosaurus: So, Mecha King Ghidorah manages to pick up Godzilla, and fly him out to the sea M11: Yeah, you like that? Come get some more, big guy! Arnold: I will destroy you, sissy-bot! (SpaceGodzilla flops in the door with Minya stickers all over him) SpaceGodzilla: And….Godzilla and Mecha King Ghidorah are sent to the sea… Gorosaurus: Hey, you’re back! Tah-dah! SpaceGodzilla: And then they roll the TOHO credits (King Ghidorah returns, dropping what remains of Ebirah on the floor) Gorosaurus: EEEEWWWWW! It’s still alive! Flush it! Flush it! Ebirah: I don’t get a big enough paycheck for this……uuggghh….. Ghidorah: FEEDING FRENZY! (King Ghidorah shoots his anti-gravity ray all over) Gorosaurus: So THIS is what its like to be in space, hmm? SpaceGodzilla: Yes, minus the immense pain Ebirah: Anyone got some duct tape? I heard that it’ll fix anything Arnold: Okay, mista SpaceGoji, time to take your temperature! (Arnold takes M11 and stuffs him in Spacie’s…..well, I won’t go there) SpaceGodzilla: Huh?! YYYEEEEEEEEECCCCHHHH!!!!!!!! Gorosaurus: EEEEWWWWWWWW! Arnold: Hasta-lavista, sissy-bot! (Arnold pulls out his portable maser cannon and shoots it right at SpaceGodzilla, sending him back to….. you guessed it, Minya’s Fun Farm) SpaceGodzilla: AAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHH!!!!!!! (All of the monsters just stare at Arnold) Arnold: What? WHAT?? (Goro just steps on Arnold, gooshing android parts all around the room) Gorosaurus: Whoops, gee…darn foot has a mind of its own Ghidorah: Don’t worry about that lobster mess, the flies will probally finish it before the week’s out Gorosaurus: The janitor’s not gonna’ like THIS one! Ebirah: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! WHY ME??? WHY MEEEEE?! (Ghidorah flies out, into the horizon) Gorosaurus: Well, s’long, folks! Ebirah: That’s…. all….for…today………g’nigh, y’all!!THE END!