Ebirah: So, what’s up for review today? SpaceGodzilla: The TOHO Classic, Rodan! Ebirah: You sound kind of interested for once SpaceGodzilla: Well, it’s a good movie Ebirah: That it is very true, we actually agree on something for once SpaceGodzilla: Can’t let THAT happen! Ebirah: What do you mean by that? SpaceGodzilla: Hoo hoo ha ha ha! Ebirah: Ack!…. Ok, so we find some mine workers workin’ their tails off SpaceGodzilla: And the water floods the entire cave! Ebirah: Yep, and two guys die and they don’t know why. SpaceGodzilla: Precisely. Ebirah: Are you going to be nice to me for once? SpaceGodzilla: Don’t get your hopes up Ebirah: Gersh dernit! Gorosaurus: Howdy, all! SpaceGodzilla: Hey, Goro, do you think that I should be nice to him for once? Gorosaurus: WHAT?! ARE YOU NUTS?! Ebirah: Uh oh… Gorosaurus: That’s the only way we stay in business! Butt kicking is the only reason people read these dang things! SpaceGodzilla: Oh goodie goodie…..>=^) Ebirah: Mommy! Gorosaurus: Not yet, I’ve got a better idea! SpaceGodzilla: What’s that? Gorosaurus: Special guests! SpaceGodzilla: I’m for that… for the moment Gorosaurus: Yeah, how about Tony? SpaceGodzilla: Nah, he usually picks on me a bit Ebirah: Riiiiiggghhht! Aren’t you just the poor little kaiju SpaceGodzilla: Ok, you sorry excuse for a moss-eating, checkers- cheating, worthless crustacean being! YOU’RE MINE!!! Ebirah: Ulp! Gorosaurus: Ooo… Oh, forgot about the review! Ebirah: Ok, so some giant bugs enter someone’s house, attack them, and the bugs are labeled “meganurons” Gorosaurus: Mmm…. Meganurons….. ahhhhhh, good SpaceGodzilla: Umm… Gorosaurs eat bugs? Gorosaurus: And mud! SpaceGodzilla: Mud? Gorosaurus: Yeah, that’s your name, right? SpaceGodzilla: No, I don’t know what you’re talking ab…..oh… Gorosaurus: Moo Hoo HA HA HA! SpaceGodzilla: AAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! Ebirah: Go for the jugular! SpaceGodzilla: HE ALREADY DID! Ebirah: Oh, my mistake Gorosaurus: AWWWWOOOOO!!!! Ebirah: It think that he’s having fun SpaceGodzilla: NNNYYYAAAHHHH! Ebirah: That’s number one in family entertainment on my list! Tony: Join da’ club! Ebirah: Hey, Tony! Welcome back! Tony: Da’ Boss sent me afta’ yoos. Gorosaurus: Who is your boss anyways? Tony: Well, after I quit working for Spa…err…someone, I joined up wit' Someone else Ebirah: Who? Tony: Can’t tell ya, it’s classified. If I told ya’ I’d have to kill yas’ SpaceGodzilla: TELL HIM, TELL HIM! Tony: I’m workin’ fer Angouris Ebirah: Angie? I never would’ve guessed. Wait a minute, you just… Tony: WWWWWRRRAAAA!!!! Ebirah and SpaceGodzilla in unison: AAAUUUGGGGHHH!!!!! Gorosaurus: This could be good! Ebirah: ACK! OWWIE! YOWSERS! YOWCH! SpaceGodzilla: Ooo! AGH! EEEK! OGGG!!! Gorosaurus: Ok, so they find a worker who is suffering from amnesia Ebirah: AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Gorosaurus: This guy remembers watching some baby Pterodactyls hatch SpaceGodzilla: Ouch!…Ok, so strange things start happening around Tokyo Ebirah: Like….ACK!….planes seeing strange objects, tourists… OUCH!…disappearing. Tony: Ohh… tourists, they’re always sticking babies on me and getting Out cameras. Heh heh heh… Soon after, they’re not very happy Campers! Gorosaurus: You strange, sad, little monster Tony: Hey, you heard the name too! Gorosaurus: Oh yeah?… BRING IT ON! (Ebirah pulls out boom box and starts playin’ the Mortal Kombat music) Tony: HEEEEYAH! Whatah! Wateesh! Watoosh! Kaboosh! (uppercut) Gorosaurus: RRG…GGGRRRAAAWWWW!!!!! YAHH! (does a round-House on Tony) Tony: Why yoos little punk! Gorosaurus: C’mon, I’m ready! (Tony throws multiple punches at Gorosaurus, all direct hits) Ebirah: Wow, this is good stuff! SpaceGodzilla: You’re eating lobster too, hmm? Ebirah: Huh? Wait a minute…..AAAHHH!! MY TAIL! SpaceGodzilla: Hee hee hee >=^) Gorosaurus: Ouch… you fight well, but not good enough! (Gorosaurus grabs Tony by the neck, jumps up high, and then smashes Tony head first into the pavement) Tony: Uggghh…. I guess dat I’m not king of da ring,… but da firing line… !!!!!!!!BBBOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!! Ebirah: AAAAUUUGGGHH!!! Why did you shoot me in the claw! My juices pouring out! My succulent flesh spewing all over the ground! The horror! THE HORROR! SpaceGodzilla: Oh shut up! He didn’t even HIT your claw! Ebirah: He didn’t? Oh, that was just you chewing on me SpaceGodzilla: Yeah, he hit your stomach Ebirah: AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!! (Tony walks on over to Mobil and comes back with a container) Gorosaurus: Truce? Tony: You bet! Ebirah: Umm… let’s finish this! SpaceGodzilla: Yes! Let’s! Ebirah: Ok, so they find out there’s two Rodans, they send out the military, fail to hurt them, they destroy a bunch of cities, and then go to sleep in a nearby mountain Gorosaurus: And they figure that they’ve got to put their lights out once and for all Tony: Speaking of….. (pours black liquid all over Ebirah) SpaceGodzilla: He’s melting! Ha ha ha! Ebirah: Oh real funny… sheesh… now wipe this off me! Gorosaurus: Wait a minute… a Mobil station, black liquid, and Ebirah… SpaceGodzilla: I think that we’re about to see the ending of this movie, but in real time review-o-vision! Ebirah: Am I missing something here? Tony: Now, let’s finish this review! Gorosaurus: Ok, so they figure that they should erupt the volcano the Rodans are sleeping by SpaceGodzilla: And the finale starts! Ebirah: So the Rodans try and escape once it blows it’s top Tony: Only one makes it out safely, but the other stays burning horribly In the fires of the super-hot lava… Time for the fun! (Tony puts a match to Ebirah) FFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!! Ebirah: AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!!! THE PAIN!!! Gorosaurus: Monster jam, HE’S ON FIRE! SpaceGodzilla: Too much ESPN for Gorosaurus, there Tony: Ok, so the other one heroically goes back to the volcano to save Its friend. (Tony dunks the rest of the gas on Spacie, and pushes him into Ebirah) Gorosaurus: Such sacrifices…. LET’S ENJOY! Tony: Ahh, I love a good BAR-B-QUE! SpaceGodzilla: NNNYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Ebirah: AAACCCKKK!!!! Gorosaurus: Neither of the Rodans survived SpaceGodzilla: THIS SUCKS! Tony: No, that leach I stuck on you does, though SpaceGodzilla: AAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!! Gorosaurus: Ok, so the mayor or someone gives a pretty good speech about the rodans, almost as good as Burr's in G 1985 Tony: Ok, its all over now, looks like we can stop them burning now (Audience “Awwww’s”) Gorosaurus: Now, how to put them out… Tony: Add super hot coals? Flammable gasses? How about newspapers? Gorosaurus: Tried all those already… SpaceGodzilla: AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Gorosaurus: It says here that you should put out fires with sand (Tony throws big sharp rocks at them) Ebirah: NNNOOO!!! Gorosaurus: No, I mean like REAL sand Tony: Oh, I got just the stuff (Tony throws some sand all over the two, putting them both out) Gorosaurus: Well, it did the job Tony: Yep, but looks like Mr. Meow’s gonna’ have to hold it in until I Can find some new sand for him THE END