March 10, 2000
Today, the Oglala Sioux Tribal President, Harold Salway issued a " Declaration
of State of Emergency" for the Pine Ridge Reservation. The declaration states that,
" ... in order to safeguard the sovereignty of this Nation in the face of imminent
and immediate danger brought about by serious financial and administrative mismanagement
and malfeasance by certain officers and members of the Tribal Council, resulting in the
freezing of all federal program funds, and for other just and good causes, do hereby
declare a State of Emergency...." This declaration will be in effect until,"
..... the establishment of financial and governing systems that are responsive and
respectful to our Oglala Lakota Nation, the traditional ways, heritage and customs of our
people, and effective to provide for the sovereignty, health and welfare of our Oglala
Lakota Nation...."
However, the Bureau of Indian Affairs stated that it will not recognize the declaration.
Further, the BIA Aberdeen Area Director, Cora Jones, informed President Salway that the
BIA believes he is the " mastermind" behind the Grass Roots Oyate's occupation
of the Tribe's administrative offices. Jones informed him that the Government is preparing
charges against him. Salway informed the Grass Roots Oyate that he has exhausted all
remedies in dealing with the " renegade" tribal council and tribal treasurer and
that we must have faith that criminal indictments will come out of the special financial
audit currently underway.
The Grass Roots Oyate have maintained from the beginning of their peaceful occupation that
they represent the silent majority of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The Grass Roots Oyate
include grandmothers, grandfathers, women, children, and men that are committed to
providing a better future for the generations yet born. They contend that President Harold
Salway has no influence over the people in the building, he did not direct anyone to take
control of the building. Importantly, Salway is included on the list of officials that are
not allowed in the tribal building. To say that he is the leader of the Grass Roots Oyate
is preposterous. The Grass Roots elderly that travel over 100 miles from the other side of
the reservation to stand for their sovereignty rights are the true leaders of this
movement, of this nation.
Dean Cycon, Esq., representing the Grass Roots Oyate pro-bono, has stated that the tribal
president is well within his scope of authority to declare a state of emergency in a
crisis of this nature. Cycon, who specializes in indigenous and environmental law, stated
that he will be working closely with the Grass Roots Oyate to protect their inherent
rights and assist them in the reformulation of their governance system to better serve all
the members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
Elders at the Red Cloud Building remember stories told to them by their elders of times
when the reservation " agent" ( presently referred to as "
superintendent") would withhold treaty " payments" and " rations"
from Indians that went against the system. Over 150 years later, the agent at Pine Ridge
is taking the same tactic.
The Oglala Lakota are recognized leaders among Indian nations. They have never lost in
battle to the United States and, in fact, took the United States flag at the Battle of
Little Big Horn on June 25, 1876. The Grass Roots Oyate contend that they will continue to
fight for what their ancestors fought and died for---their land, their freedom.
The Grass Roots Oyate took peaceful control of the Red Cloud Building on January 16, 2000
for the sole purpose of protecting the financial records from further
tampering/destruction. They have declared their sovereign immunity in the tribal building
under the guidelines of the 1868 Treaty at Fort Laramie. The Oglala Lakota, one of seven
bands of the Great Sioux Nation, is unique, in that, it is one of the few remaining
nations that have an active treaty in full force with the United States Government. This
was proven in the 1980 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Black Hills Land Claim suit.
For further information , please contact Floyd Hand, or Media Coordinator Dale Looks Twice
at (605) 867-5303
As with all my emails concerning the Occupation Peoples please forward to any and all
interested parties in its entirety
Wild Horse