Pine Ridge Occupation Peoples Grass Roots Oyate January 16, 2000 Until we Win |
GRASS ROOTS OGLALA LAKOTA OYATE FACTS OF THE DAY: FACT: Today, Auditor Jaime Arroba had a meeting with the U.S. District Attorney, FBI officials, OIG officials, HUB officials, BIA’s Cora Jones, Richard Zephier, and Assistant Prosecutors to discuss the audit. Arroba stated that he will try to complete the 1999 Indirect Cost Audit within the next two weeks. FACT: Today, Auditor Jaime Arroba stated that a revised "draft" version of the 1999 General Fund audit will be released to Bob Ecoffey today and that all elected officials (including Harold Salway) will receive a copy tomorrow. He advised us to try to get a copy from Harold or one of the Council Members. He will attempt to contact us tomorrow afternoon and see if we have a copy. If not, he will speak to Cora Jones to get us a copy. FACT: On Friday, March 24th, Chuck Jacobs demanded the payroll clerks to pay him for the time that he was legally suspended without pay by the Tribal Council. He IMMEDIATELY received a check. FACT: On January 13th, the OST General Fund had a negative balance of $-326,583.13. FACT: There is no such provision in the Tribe’s Constitution & By-Laws that allows for a "pro-tem" president or secretary. FACT: The 1997 Secretarial Election, implemented through the U.S. Mail, was illegal. It wiped out all district boundaries. The Constitution states that the "…Describing boundaries will be done by ordinance…" This has not been done by any of the districts to date. Further, the officials did not follow all the required guidelines in the Federal 25 CFR. Therefore, if the election was illegal, then wouldn’t the elected officials be illegal as well? FACT: This is an election year. We are a nagging pain in the side of the U.S. Government, because we disagree with the "pill" (Empowerment Zone) they are trying to make us swallow. This "New Market Initiatives" was designed to promote Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party for political purposes. FACT: When the position of Head Judge was placed on the ballot, it stated that this position will be "voted by membership-at-large"; Tribal Council will set guidelines for the qualifications. In other words, we might have voted, but the Tribal Council really had control of who would get the job. FACT: A Council Member from Wakpamni District received his entire auto allowances for the year 2000 in 1999. On 12/31/99, this Council Member received a check for $2,500.00 advanced auto allowance for the months of Aug-December, 2000. Jan-July’s advance auto allowance was issued earlier in 1999. FACT: There are Council Members that do not have permanent residency in the districts which they represent.. |