HELLP Syndrome / Preclampsia / Pregnancy issues

Dr. Pranikoff's Obstetric Web Library http://jazz.san.uc.edu/~pranikjd/ob.html offers information about amniocentesis, birth defects, preclamsia, and other issues.

HELLP Syndrome / Pregnancy / Premature infant links http://www.ipass.net/~juliemc/RelatedSites.html#LChad offers a number of links for more information.

Long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHAD) is a recessively inherited genetic disorder of mitochondrial oxidation of fatty cids which has been associated with moms who had HELLP Syndrome during thier pregnancy. See this site for more information. http://www.ipass.net/~juliemc/lchadtest.html. (See Hall page on growth issues as well).

Mediconsult.com http://www.mediconsult.com offers access to a number of journal articles, but is included here for the article on job stress and preclampsia.

Pregnancy Links https://members.tripod.com/~AnderPander/links.html by the Logan Family. Includes preemie links as well.

Sidelines http://www.sidelines.org/index.html is a network of support groups across the country for women and their families experiencing complicated pregnancies.

These links are provided as resources for your information, but should not replace medical advice or consultation. Links are left visible so you may more easily forward the page if you desire, but please give credit where due.

©2004 Greg & Christa Hall

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